Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

Develop a marketing plan (You have submitted pieces of your plan over the last few weeks of the semester (attached)) for a fictitious organization.

Develop a marketing plan (You have submitted pieces of your plan over the last few weeks of the semester (attached)) for a fictitious organization. There is not a specified length for the marketing plan; however, the marketing plan should typically range from 15–20 pages of content. In addition, the marketing plan must adhere to APA format. Formatting includes appropriate headers, footers, coversheet, page numbers, in-text citations, reference list, etc. An abstract is not required for the marketing plan. Also and executive summary needs to be added.

I have attached environmental analysis, SWOT analysis, Marketing objectives, Marketing Strategies, Marketing Implementation and Performance evaluation use them when putting together the marketing plan according to the marketing plan example I have also attached.

Marketing plan implementation

Implementing a marketing plan is a critical element of the marketing process. An effective plan of implementation shows the activities to be done and who is responsible as well as the people in the various organizational units and who will complete every particular activity (Wood,2003).

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The correct product mix is identified as an important key to success for Value Worth Clothing Company.  The importance to deliver products that meet the needs of customers cannot be overlooked in anyway. Part of the reason to shop at Value Worth Clothing Company is that the customers will find unique merchandise they are not likely to find anywhere within. Our customers could be aware of some of the brands they meet online and fashion magazines but not readily available in the local retail outlets (Piercy, & Morgan, 1990).

Value Worth Clothing Company’s highly knowledgeable staff shall create awareness to our customers on the brands which are unfamiliar to them and that offer design elements they have not been previously exposed to. The prices for Value Worth Clothing Company will range from moderate to upscale.  The QuickBooks inventory management software will be handy to track daily sales as well as soliciting the customer feedback and new suggestions.

Merchandise assortment

Value worth mainstay inventory will include cotton t-shirts, baseball caps, fleece jackets, sports footwear, apparel and equipment accessories. Cotton jackets have become a particularly on hot demand over past few years, with a huge consumer demand for the fashion coordinates. Value Worth Clothing Company will have unique displays to feature a complete array of sports footwear, apparel and equipment accessories. This will enable the customers to select whatever item as per their style and preferences. The appetite for comfortable, sporting footwear has constantly been increasing out of the high interest in wellness as well as exercise.


Location remains one of the critical elements to our clothing business.  The right location will be essential to our success and most of the purchases will result from impulse buying and influenced by the traffic in the nearby stores (Cohen, 2005). Our store will be located in a location that has high foot traffic necessary to create high and cheap awareness and also that contribute to impulse purchases. 


Value Worth Clothing Company will aim at some specific market segments such as the women aged 21-56 years and the sportspeople. This numbers will translate to increased purchasing power of our products and therefore with presence of young population, the market for t-shirts and sportswear apparel will be high.

Features of the target customers:

Women 25-59-Females who are over 35 remain lifestyle and status conscious and prefer premium brands.

Young women 17-24 will shop more and we can target them with good customer service, and a variety of selection.

Teens (13-16) read more about fashion from the fashion magazines and therefore the purchasing patterns are influenced by the content in the publications and their peers.

In addition to employing several techniques, the channels to use to reach our customers shall remain always updated and client queries responded to in shortest time possible. Furthermore, regular trainings shall be conducted for the salespersons to ensure they are fully knowledgeable about the current fashion trends and change in customer’s tastes. The marketing manager shall be in charge of the activities of the sales and marketing activities and work closely with the IT and product development teams.


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