Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

Discussion 1: Explain the Hawthorne Effect? How useful is the Hawthorne Effect today?

Discussion 1: Explain the Hawthorne Effect? How useful is the Hawthorne Effect today?
Discussion 2: Theory X is considered outdated by some managers in today’s time. Do you agree or disagree? Explain

Required Reading:

Laliberte, M. (2018).  9 signs your boss is a micromanager—and how to handle them. Retrieved from   or

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Saha, P. (2018, January 9). The ‘Hawthorne Effect’ in the modern workplace. HR Katha.  

Barnett, T. (n.d.). Theory x and theory y. Reference for Business.

Bhasin, H. (2019, August 5). Theory x and theory y of management: Meaning, differences & application. Marketing91.


Gregg Learning. (2019, May 2). The Hawthorne studies [Video]. YouTube.   (6:06)

Clayton, M. (2020, February 12). Douglas McGregor and theory x & theory y: Process of model of motivation [Video]. YouTube.  (7:19)

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