Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

Discussion Board Advanced Pharmacology

Discussion Board Advanced Pharmacology

APA style. 2 references less than 5 years. Each question must be answered separately.

Now that you have identified the treatment for onychomycosis and labs for baseline and follow up therapy. For Week 6, please address the following:

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Specify when to refer the patient after therapy and why? Provide a rationale.
According to the recommended guidelines, what are the non-pharmacological approaches to Onychomycosis?
Provide patient education. Keep in mind the past medical history of this patient.

Advanced Pharmacology Essay

How Miami/South Florida is combating climate change and sea level rise

Urban agriculture – what it is, which types might be appropriate in Miami, current urban gardening projects in Miami, and project you want to design and how that would benefit Miami
Alternative Energy – in this paper you may either focus on what alternative energies you think are appropriate for Florida, with a highlight on any new energy projects (environmentally ffriendly) that are ongoing in Florida. You can also propose new energy program that you think would work in Florida. You could also research 2-4 new alternative energy projects worldwide and disucss them Be sure to explain which of those you think and the most potential and why

Paper must be 5 pages double spaces. (This means 5 FULL pages,) Paper must include in-text at least 4 citations and references in MLA or APA style. References must be on page 6 First line should have your name and title- do not enlarge font! Then a single space, then begin your assignment. No extra spaces between paragraphs allowed, they do not count towards page length. 1 inch margins, Times New roman 12pt font or Arial 10pt font only. Points will be lost for short papers. They must be uploaded as WORD DOC/DOCX only in the drop box. This paper will be checked by Safe Assign. Any score greater than 15% plagiarism (excluding references) should be revised and resubmitted.

Do you find yourself approaching a tight assignment deadline? We have a simple solution for you! Just complete our order form, providing your specific instructions. Rest assured that our team consists of professional writers who excel in their respective fields of study. They utilize extensive databases, top-notch online libraries, and up-to-date periodicals and journals to ensure the delivery of papers of the utmost quality, tailored to your requirements. Trust us when we say that thorough research is conducted for every essay, and our expertise in various topics is unparalleled. Furthermore, we have a diverse team of writers to cover a wide range of disciplines. Be assured that all our papers are created from scratch, guaranteeing originality and uniqueness.

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