Discussion: Time Management as an Online Student
Now that you’ve completed the time management tool in the Week 1 Lesson, address these items in your answer:
Describe how you spend most of your time. Is this what you expected? Why or why not?
How will you rearrange these items to dedicate enough time to your schoolwork?
What changes do you want to make? What professional resources are available to help with those changes? Use at least one required source and to find a scholarly outside source that MUST be a Full Text; Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal from any year from 2017-2022 to support your time management improvement strategies. YOU CAN FIND THIS IN: https://library.chamberlain.edu/home 3 paragraphs minimum IN APA FORMAT.
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Write My Essay For Me2 Discussion
Maintaining your own integrity as a professional nurse is an essential part of your career. Despite knowing the consequences for an academic integrity infraction, why do some students still falsify their work?
What are the most challenging APA formatting issues for you? Why do you find these areas so challenging? What resources will you use to overcome these challenges? Use at least one required source and to find a scholarly outside source that MUST be a Full Text; Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal any year from 2017-2022 . YOU CAN FIND THIS IN: https://library.chamberlain.edu/home
3 paragraphs minimum IN APA FORMAT.
3 Discussion
Building self-awareness of our verbal and non-verbal communication allows us to grow in our communication skills. What resources do you use to improve your awareness of your communication skills in the professional setting?
Interprofessional collaboration to improve patient outcomes depends on our professional communication skills. What are the most effective communication skills that nurses bring to collaborative interactions? Why are those so important in your own practice? Use at least one required source and to find a scholarly outside source that MUST be a Full Text; Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journal any year from 2017-2022 . YOU CAN FIND THIS IN: https://library.chamberlain.edu/home
3 paragraphs minimum IN APA FORMAT.
5 Discussion
Evidence is necessary to improve our nursing practice. Using the CINAHL database in the Chamberlain Library, search for and locate a scholarly professional nursing journal article that meets these criteria:
English language
NOT an Evidence-Based Care Sheet or CINAHL Guide
Published in the past five years (2017-2022)
Contains evidence to support a nursing practice in your practice area
Summarize this article in one paragraph. Explain why you selected this article. Provide an APA reference for this article. NOTE: Be sure to review the grading rubric on this page (click on the three dots on top right of this page). Both a scholarly outside source (scholarly professional nursing journal article described above can be found at( https://library.chamberlain.edu/home) AND use and crediting of at least one Assigned Reading (Chamberlain Custom Role Development in Prof Nursing Practice, Fifth Edition book) or Lesson are required. SEE ATTACHMENT FOR DISCUSSION 4 LESSON.
6 Discussion
Evidence is necessary to improve our nursing practice. Using the CINAHL database in the Chamberlain Library (https://library.chamberlain.edu/home), search for and locate a scholarly professional nursing journal article that meets these criteria: Full-text English language Peer-reviewed NOT an Evidence-Based Care Sheet or CINAHL Guide Published in the past five years Contains evidence to support a nursing practice in your practice area Summarize this article in one paragraph. Explain why you selected this article. Provide an APA reference for this article.
8 Discussion
Leaders use systems-based practice to empower other nurses. Considering your current or former clinical setting, share how you will use principles of systems-based practice to grow in your role as a leader in nursing. Include a scholarly outside source to support your answer that is dated from 2017-2022 FROM -> (https://library.chamberlain.edu/home), . DISCUSSION WRITTING MUST BE IN APA FORMAT AND MUST BE 3 PARAGRAPHS.
As we finish NR351, think about all the competencies you have explored in these eight weeks. Using reflective practice, address the following in your answer: Select two Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies that you believe will have the most impact on your future professional nursing practice. Why are these the most important ones for you? Identify one AACN BSN Essential that will be most important in improving quality in your future nursing practice. Explain why you selected that essential and how your practice will be improved by its use.
2/25/22, 4:10 PM Week 4 Lesson: Safety: Transitions in Professional Nursing
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Week 4 Lesson: Safety
Table of Contents
Nurses are concerned with safety and quality of patient care. Throughout history, many nurses have actively worked to find ways to improve patient safety and quality of nursing care. This week, we will consider the broad topics of safety and quality improvement in nursing care and our roles in this important endeavor.
Healthy Workplace Environments Promote Safety for Nurses
Safety in the workplace is important in nursing. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN, n.d.) stated that six standards are present in the healthiest nursing work environments:
Skilled communication True collaboration Effective decision-making Appropriate staffing Meaningful recognition Authentic leadership
Nurses need to be safe from harm in their work environments. Much has been written about incivility and workplace violence in nursing. Oja (2017) claimed that “civility among critical care nurses is important for achieving positive patient outcomes” (p. 345).
The American Nurses Association (n.d.a) is concerned about health of nurses and is promoting its Healthly Nurse, Healthy Nation challenge. This is “an initiative to connect and engage nurses, employers, and organizations around improving health in five areas: physical
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activity, nutrition, rest, quality of life, and safety” (ANA, n.d.a, para. 1). ANA also has resources to help prevent violence and bullying in the workplace (n.d.b.). These workplace health issues are of concern to nurses, managers, and facilities. When nurses practice in a healthy environment, their focus can be on patient care and outcomes.
Patient Safety
Nurses value safety for patients. Doing no harm is often considered a moral and an ethical principle in nursing and healthcare. Safe care is always our plan.
Safety is an important part of quality. Without safety, quality is not an issue. Care is either safe or it is not. Quality, on the other hand, can vary by degrees and can be measured. Is the care of minimum quality, or is it of the highest quality? Safety and quality are often considered together because quality is not possible without the baseline of safety.
Think About It
“Safety: The Nurse of the Future will minimize risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance (QSEN, 2007)” (Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nursing Initiative, 2016, p. 42). Safety is “critical to promoting high quality patient care” (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2008, p. 13).
“Quality Improvement: The Nurse of the Future uses data to monitor the outcomes of care processes, and uses improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of health care systems (QSEN, 2007)” (Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nursing Initiative, 2016, p. 42).
Patient safety is important in all clinical areas. The Joint Commission (2020) publishes National Patient Safety Goals each year for various healthcare settings. These goals are designed to improve patient safety. The goals focus on both problems and solutions (The Joint Commission, 2020).
Settings include:
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(The Joint Commission, 2020)
Settings Transcript
Safety Goals
These safety goals change year to year and often contain topics such as:
Patient identification Staff communication Alarm safety Infection prevention Surgical errors Medication safety Others specific to the site
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(The Joint Commission, 2020)
A culture of safety, where all nurses freely report errors without fear of punishment, is a positive step toward fewer errors and improved patient safety. This just culture (sometimes called a no blame culture) focuses on the error, not the person making the error. Systems issues are confronted with plans for improvement (Masters, 2020).
2/25/22, 4:11 PM Week 4 Lesson: Quality Improvement: Transitions in Professional Nursing
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Week 4 Lesson: Quality Improvement
Table of Contents
Improving Quality in Nursing
There are many drivers of quality care in nursing and healthcare today. We are familiar with the efforts of many of these.
The Joint Commission National Academy of Medicine (formerly Institute of Medicine) QSEN Institute American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Magnet Recognition Program
The ANCC Magnet Recognition Program designates an organization as a magnet when it shows evidence it has the knowledge and expertise to delivery nursing care globally (ANCC, n.d.). The ANCC has developed a model with five components that serve as the primary basis including:
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(ANCC, n.d.)
ANCC Magnet Recognition Program Image Description
PDSA Process for Quality Improvement
There are many approaches to quality improvement. The Deming cycle (often known as PDSA for Plan, Do, Study, Act) is commonly used today to improve quality (Masters, 2020). This is sometimes stated as PDCA for Plan, Do, Check, Act.
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PDSA Process for Quality Improvement Image Description
DMAIC Process for Quality Improvement
Some facilities may use Six Sigma with the DMAIC process. While this began as a business model, it has been successfully applied to the healthcare environment to improve quality, decrease errors, and improve processes. Six Sigma uses the following cyclical process to improve quality (Hood, 2018).
The five phases that make up the Six Sigma, or DMAIC process, are below.
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DMAIC Process for Quality Improvement Image Description
The goal of Six Sigma is to reduce errors to a very minimal level (Masters, 2020).
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