Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

EDCO 705 Community Needs Analysis

EDCO 705 Community Needs Analysis

The student will write a 10–12-page paper assessing the mental health needs within his/her community. Focusing on one of the major identified needs, the student will then evaluate what services are offered and by what organizations. The paper must follow current APA format and must have a minimum of 10 recent/current sources.

The goal of this assignment is to conduct a community mental health needs and resources assessment that also familiarizes you with the overall mental health needs in your community. Having assessed the most pressing local mental health needs, you will focus on one of the major identified issues involving a specific, marginalized population and evaluate what services are offered and by what organizations. 

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The paper must be 10-12 pages (not including title page, abstract, or reference page; however, these are required as well). You must use current APA style 7th edition (write in third person) and integrate references to at least 10 recent and relevant sources 

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.

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