ENG 1510 Project 2 final Draft

ENG 1510 Project 2 final Draft

The purpose


In this image there is a powerful message given. The author of this wants the audience to understand the harm that deforestation can cause. It also depicts that there is only so much time until all of the forests are gone, creating a sense of urgency. By having the forest shaped as lungs presents the idea that forests are vital for earths survival.




The intended primary audience for this image would be the general population. This group of people may have many different opinions on the topic, making some of the general population harder to persuade than others. Some may already be against deforestation, while others may not care about the issue. The author is trying to convey that no matter who it is, they should care about this because there is only so much time before the effects are irreversible.

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The secondary audience would be the companies that are involved in the logging and clear cutting. This group may be much harder to persuade. The reason is because not only does does the company itself gain profit from the act, but each individual employees personal paycheck comes from it. The authors ideals are much different than the secondary audiences, making this a controversial issue of ideals and morals for both sides.

Making a difference

The purpose of this image is to encourage others to actively take part in ending deforestation. The image does this by creating a sense of urgency. By showing half of the lung destroyed in the picture shows that there is only so much time before we get to the point of no return. This also creates a sense of threat for each individual. Without forests, the earth cannot sustain people. With that being said it means each person would be affected.



The medium of this would be an image. The author chose this because sometimes images can be much more powerful than words. The saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” is very true for this image. The creator of this image chose to publish through World Wildlife Fund because they are a credible source, as well as marketing to a receptive audience.


Design Choices

Design choices

The first element of the picture that you see is the shape of lungs. You then see that half of one lung is missing/destroyed. Lastly there are other patches of forests surrounding the lungs. Making the lung the main point of focus and then seeing that the other half is damaged is done in a strategic way. The audience sees that the forest is damaged. With the lungs being a vital organ of the human body, it gives the viewer a perspective on how important these forests are to the earth and people. As well as having half of the lung missing, the damaged lung is brown with dead colors. This contrasts the surrounding colors which are vibrant and lively.

Rhetorical Devices

Using rhetorical devices in the most efficient way can create a powerful message even within an image. These devices such as ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos, work together to complement each other and persuade the viewer to think and feel a certain way.

Rhetorical Devices


Ethos is the creditability of a source. Having a credible source and author makes the audience more susceptible to the information being given. The image was made and published by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The WWF is an organization that works to preserve nature and reduce humans impact on it. The image is portrayed in a scholarly manner with a credible author.



Pathos is the emotion that the author creates withing the image or text. The image uses pathos well in this aspect. When the viewer sees the destroyed lung shaped forest, a feeling of loss is felt. This is followed by a feeling of fear. If the lungs of the world are lost then the there is no future for humanity.



Logos is the logic that the author uses in the image or text. The author uses logos very well with the image. In this image the idea that if deforestation continues, the lungs of our earth, being forests, will no longer exist. The text is relying on logical reasoning of the audience to portray this idea, as it does not outwardly explain what is happening in the picture.



Kairos is the timeliness of the argument. This image uses kairos in the lungs of the forest. There is a pressure for change in the picture because already, one lung is beginning to deteriorate. A sense of urgency is created here becuase only so much time can go on before both of the lungs are gone.


ENG 1510 Project 2 final Draft

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