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ESSAY: Age Appropriate Health Maintenance Screening and Associated Tools

• This Assignment includes ten different pediatric cases that require further evaluation with a developmental testing tool.
• Selecting the correct tool is vitally important in getting accurate data that promotes early identification and intervention.
• A template is available to you as a table and is specifically designed for this Assignment.
• Please insure your references are (preferably) within 3 years and no older than 5 years.


Pediatric CaseSelected testing tool (cite source)What domains are measured?Suitable age groups?Is culture addressed?Who should administer this test?What is the reliability and validity?How much time is involved to administer the test?Is it available in other languages?How are results interpreted?
1. A two-month-old child that does not respond to loud noisesAdaptive Behavior Assessment System™, Second Edition (Ohio, 2010)Response ability, hearing impairmentsBabies between 1-12 months Children between 1-3 yearsCulture is not usually addressedA pediatrician or even a parent can conduct the test.It is easy to monitor the behavior of the child by how they respond to the sound (Cole & Flexer, 2015). 10-15 minutesYes. For example, Czech, and DanishThrough the ability of the child to respond to the sound by reacting e.g. turning
2. A four-month-old child that does follow movement with his eyesAges & Stages Social-Emotional ) (Ohio, 2010)Ability of the child to scan between object and imageInfants 1-18 monthsThe testing has no cultural relationshipParents or pediatricianChilds behavior is monitored for several days hence more reliable conclusion (Barkley, 2013).1 minute per test, at least 5 times per day and at least 5 daysYesAveraging the number of time the baby scans the image
3. A six-month-old child that does not return affection to caregiverBehavior Rating Instrument for Autistic & Other Atypical Children – Second Edition (BRIACC) ) (Ohio, 2010)Baby crying behavior( inconsolably), isolation3 months- 2 yearsYes. Culture can be used to analyze the background of the childCaregiver with the help of pediatricianAbility of the child to respond favorably to play therapy, fun etc.At least 2 daysYesIf the child does not turn for consolation to the caregiver
4. A nine-month-old child that does not respond to her namesDifferential Ability Scale – Second Edition (DAS-II) ) (Ohio, 2010).Childs hearing ability 6-12 monthsGenetic evaluation of autism require cultural approachpediatricianExperimental process for assessing response-to-name behavior2 hoursYesIf the child fails to respond to the name frequently, action should be taken
5. A one-year-old who is unable to crawlGross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) (Ohio, 2010)Childs behavior and interest in crawling, rolling or standing7-12 monthsNopediatricianAbility of the child to support his body and energy (Barkley 2013).2 hour interval 3-5 daysYesIf the child cannot support the body, there could be a problem with the muscles
6. A two-year-old who is unable to follow simple directionsTemperament and Atypical Behavior Scale (TABS) (Ohio, 2010)Behavior of the child after giving instruction1-3 yearsYes for analyzing ADHD possibilitypediatricianIt is possible to detect strange behavior from the child2 hours per day for at least 5-10 daysYesAnalyzing the number the child accepts or ignores instructions (Garland et al., 2013)
7. A three-year-old who is unable to walk up stairsPeabody Developmental Motor Scales – Second Edition (PDMS-2) (Ohio, 2010).Ability to alternate feet, walk upstairs alone3-5 yearsNoParent/caregiverObserving the child can tell weaknesses in physical abilityObserving the child at least once per day for 10 days (Chassin, & Loeb, 2013)N/AIf the child struggles or retreats while going upstairs is an indication of poor physical ability.
8. A four-year-old Spanish-speaking child who knows only approximately 20 words.  Family is from Cuba and is non-English speakingClinical Assessment of Articulation and Phonology – 2nd Edition (Ohio, 2010)Language,3-5 yearsYes. Mostly Hispanic children are faced with many health disadvantagesCaregiver/parentChilds background or history can explain the behavior of the child in the present15–20 minutesNoIf the child has a problem in communication, tests for other health problems might be performed.
9. A five-year-old who is unable to focus on one activity for more than five minutes; easily distractedAttention Deficit Disorders Evaluation Scale – Third Edition (Ohio, 2010)How often the child distracted3 years and aboveNoChilds educatorIt is possible to determine the child’s ability to focus on somethingAt least 45–60 minutes per day for 10-15 daysYesIf the child continuously shows habits of little concentration, there is possibility of ADHD
10. A seven-year-old who was very sociable and interactive with peers at six years old is now isolative does not show interest in interacting with othersDifferential Assessment of Autism & Other Developmental Disorders (DAADD (Ohio, 2010).Childs behavior2 – 8 yearsYes. the child’s background as a determinant of behaviorParent and teacherObserving the child can tell the changes in behavior over timeAt least 2 hour daily observation for 30 daysYesIf the child behavior changes, action should be taken to find out the reason


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Barkley, R. A. (2013). Defiant children: A clinician’s manual for assessment and parent training. Guilford press.

Chassin, M. R., & Loeb, J. M. (2013). High‐reliability health care: getting there from here. The Milbank Quarterly, 91(3), 459-490.

Cole, E. B., & Flexer, C. (2015). Children with hearing loss: Developing listening and talking, birth to six. Plural Publishing.

Garland, A. F., Haine-Schlagel, R., Brookman-Frazee, L., Baker-Ericzen, M., Trask, E., & Fawley-King, K. (2013). Improving community-based mental health care for children: Translating knowledge into action. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 40(1), 6-22.

Leonard, L. B. (2014). Children with specific language impairment. MIT press.

Ohio, (2010). Catalog of screening and assessment instruments for young children birth through age 5. Office of early learning and school readiness

Visser, S. N., Danielson, M. L., Bitsko, R. H., Holbrook, J. R., Kogan, M. D., Ghandour, R. M., … & Blumberg, S. J. (2014). Trends in the parent-report of health care provider-diagnosed and medicated attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: United States, 2003–2011. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 53(1), 34-46.

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