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ESSAY Analyse Two Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Analyse Two Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles


Task: In brief essay form (Introduction, body and conclusion) you will critically analyse two peer reviewed journal articles on any of the topics covered within this course by accessing “Ebscohost web” or “Proquest” to obtain peer review articles.

The two peer reviewed article:

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  • Alagaraja, M.,(2013). HRD and HRM perspectives on organizational performance: A review of literature. Human Resource Development Review, 12(2), pp.117-143. And
  • Marler, J.H., and Fisher, S.L., (2013). An evidence-based review of e-HRM and strategic human resource management, Human Resource Management Review, 23(1), pp.18-36.)

Lawler, E. (2012). Effective Human Resource Management: A Global Analysis. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.

The critical analysis will involve the identification of the authors’:

  1. key points,
  2. arguments,
  3. assertions, and the strengths of these 3 factors based on evidence related to the research that is cited and outlined by the authors.

You also need to briefly comment on the relevance of these articles as they relate to

  • How HRM contribute to an organisation’s effectiveness and ineffectiveness? and explain why in both circumstances using evidence.
  • How is HRM failing these organisations, their staff and other stakeholders?

It may be useful to use “Human Resource Management – An Introductory overview – attached” (refer to the section headed) and AHRI HRM model for ideas


Executive summary: Evaluation of organizational performance can help to determine the progress of an organization because it specifically shows the productivity of an organization. Thus linkage between human resource and organizational performance is quite essential. e-HRM is another thing that can help to determine the performance of the organization. e-HRM uses updated technological assistance in order to make the proper analysis of the productivity of an organization. However, these applications of technologies can make introduce the synchronization problems in the organizations.

Introduction: The report includes a brief analysis of two peer-reviewed journals and elaborates one brief comparison between these two journals. The main points related to these two journals are included and the arguments based on these points are illustrated. In this report assertion of the authors and the comparison between these journals and other journals that are available for research work on the related topic are included. Additionally, the relevance of this article with HRM and HRD management is also illustrated in this essay.

Key points: In Marler and Fisher (2013) the relationship between e-HRM and strategic HRM is the main key point of this research paper. In this paper, e-HRM is illustrated as the involvement of the technology in the HRM practices. In order to include a perfect analysis of these research paper features of e-HRM and strategic HRM is illustrated in brief. On the other hand in the research paper Alagaraja (2013) the relationship between HRD and organizational performance is illustrated in brief. Furthermore on this article brief analysis and comparison between ontology and epistemology is elaborated. The paper continues to deliver a brief analysis related to the teamwork and team management is illustrated.

The coding scheme related to the HRD management is also included in this article. However, in Marler and Fisher (2013) problems that can arrive in e-HRM is included and the reason behind the arrival of those problems is explained. In this paper, the categories of strategic HRM is mentioned and explained from a prudential point of view. In the research paper of Alagaraja (2013) ontological aspect of the HRD management is included which can help to determine the categories of organizational performance. Apart from this in this research paper brief analysis of the way of development of organizational performance is illustrated and it is another key point of this research paper.

The outcome of the operational management is also included in this research paper. The way of implementation of operational management in an organization is also elaborated in this research paper. Functional area related to HRD management is another key point which is elaborated in this research paper in brief. On the contrary in the research paper of Marler and Fisher (2013) effects of e-HRM on the strategic HRM is elaborated in brief. The focus of e-HRM is another key point which is mentioned in this journal.

Arguments: According to Marler and Fisher (2013), e-HRM makes effective impacts on the strategic HRM. The effects of e-HRM also can be seen on the economy of a country and culture of the country. Application of e-HRM can increase the growth and the sustainability of a business. However, Alagaraja (2013) argued that operational management is the essential quantity in order to enhance the growth of an organization. Moreover, implementation of the strategic HRM is also necessary in order to develop a viable business plan.

Thus, HR-OP is the essential quantity for the business in order to obtain sustainable growth of the organization. On the contrary according to Marler and Fisher (2013) argued that involvement of the technology in HRM management can add extra features to it. This application of technology is thus very essential in order to make an effective up gradation of HRM. Application of effective e-HRM further can set the strategic goals for a company. It also can help to achieve the objective of the business faster. However, the strategic HR management can help to maintain the primary regulation related to this. This can help a company to avoid the penalty related to t6he misconduct and violation of the regulation.

Although the main drawback of e-HRM is the synchronization between organizational activities and e-HRM is very difficult to process. In absence of the proper synchronization between e-HRM and organizational activities, it can be the cause of failure of the organization process. However, Alagaraja (2013) commented that OP helps to determine the performance of a company and helps to measure this performance. This can help to make a perfect assessment of the progress of a company and can help the management to maximize the performance and the utilization of the resources. However, it also can make an impact on the quality of the product also.

Hence this, in turn, increases the brand value of a company. Marler and Fisher (2013) added that successful implementation of e-HRM can help a company to maintain effectively the financial statement related to the company which can help to avoid any financial misconduct. However, another main feature of e-HRM over the strategic HRM is that it helps to assess the external impacts on a business like external economic and regulatory impact on the company. Alagaraja (2013) added that strategic HRM can introduce the competitive advantage in an Organization.

Research methodology: In the journal Alagaraja (2013) positivism research philosophy has been used with a deductive approach. The research design selected for this purpose is explanatory design using which different aspects of HRM has been evaluated. The researcher has primarily used secondary data source which helped in understated the topic in a more profound manner and to evaluate the concept of HRM form different aspects. The author has taken help form and gathered information from different books, journals, news paper articles and official websites. Most of the data used in this article are based on secondary research where the data is collected from past research studies. The author has used positivism in order to evaluate the real aspect of different practical phenomenon from a stable and realistic view point.

In the second selected journal Marler and Fisher (2013) the key questions of the article are framed using integrative synthesis. In this article, primary as well as the secondary data are been used. In doer to obtain primary data all the published articles related to the topic of e-HRM has been selected that are published in the last 12 years. Further, primary business and psychological indexed database are also included in this article. Further for the purpose of theoretical framework categorization, the author has organised sample e-HRM published stydy by the meta- theoretical technological paradigm. Both macro level of analysis as well as case study approach were used by the author in this journals.

Assertion by author: According to Alagaraja (2013), HR-OP linking can help to maintain the strategic planning of a business and thus it can be considered effective for a business. For example, HR-OP linking helps to obtain ontological aspects of the HRD and thus it can help to make the relationship between the theoretical and practical HRD management. However, according to the research paper Marler and Fisher (2013) e-HRM, can increase the efficiency of the business by including the updated version of technological assistance in the business. For instance, e-HRM can involve the latest technology based financial management in the HR management and thus it is helpful to obtain perfect cost analysis by involving e-HRM. HR-OP linking is a classical approach to Hr management and it can help to optimize the resources of a company.

Although the main drawback related to this strategy is it does not give any concept related to the mitigation of the risk related to a business. This can be considered the major drawback of this approach and due to this reason, it can be the cause of failure of a company. On the other hand, the main flaw of e-HRM is that it is totally dependent on the technology hence any technological fault can hamper t6he normalcy of the HRM management. In turn, this reason can be the cause of failure of a business.

Conclusion: The main strength of the article of the researcher Marler and Fisher (2013) is that it elaborates the application of the technology in the field of HRM. In comparison to this, the main strength related to the article of Alagaraja (2013) is that it celebrates the ontological scope of the HR-OP linking in brief. However, the main weakness of this two research paper is that this two research paper does not provide any practical instances the analysis used in this research paper is more or less hypothetical. Thus the question of the reliability of these research papers can arrive.

Reference list:

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