Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

ESSAY: Applying Current Literature to Clinical Practice

Review this week’s Learning Resources and reflect on the insights they provide on group work and group therapy.
Select one of the articles from the Learning Resources to evaluate for this Assignment.
Note: In nursing practice, it is not uncommon to review current literature and share findings with your colleagues. Approach this Assignment as though you were presenting the information to your colleagues.

The Assignment
In a 5- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation, address the following:

Provide an overview of the article you selected, including answers to the following questions:
What type of group was discussed?
Who were the participants in the group? Why were they selected?
What was the setting of the group?
How often did the group meet?
What was the duration of group therapy?
What curative factors might be important for this group and why?
What “exclusion criteria” did the authors mention?
Explain the findings/outcomes of the study in the article. Include whether this will translate into practice with your own client groups. If so, how? If not, why?
Explain whether the limitations of the study might impact your ability to use the findings/outcomes presented in the article.
Note: The presentation should be 5–10 slides, not including the title and reference slides. Include presenter notes (no more than a half-page per slide) and use tables and/or diagrams where appropriate. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from the article you selected. Support your presentation with evidence-based literature.

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