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ESSAY: Appraisals for Truck Drivers

Explain performance appraisals for truck drivers

Write a paper describing how effective performance appraisals can increase employee performance. This paper should include sections on the strategic advantages of performance appraisals, potential forms of bias within the appraisal system, as well as how performance appraisals can contribute to the achievement of strategic objectives.


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Appraisals for Truck Drivers


Effective performance appraisals are foundational to sound organization management. Employee appraisals help the management to determine potential pay rate for each staff and help to analyze employee performance to determine their productivity, training needs, or if the dismissal is appropriate. This paper seeks to examine how effective performance appraisal improves employee performance, the advantages of performance appraisal, possible biases likely to be experienced in an appraisal system. The paper also examines the contribution of performance appraisal towards the achievement of the strategic objectives of the organization.

Contribution of Performance Appraisal Towards Employee Performance Improvement             Performance appraisal refers to the logical assessment of employees’ performance in an effort to understand their strengths and weaknesses in a particular position to guide future development and growth in an organization. For effective performance appraisal program, data is first collected using personnel, objective production and judgmental assessment. Muchinsky (2012) identified that judgmental evaluation is the preferred method of collecting such data. Performance appraisal is critical in improving employees’ performance. Effective appraisal system ensures the employees remain productive through the provision of feedback in relation to the level of performance achieved against the set standard, guiding the employee in future engagements by ensuring there is an accurate plan to follow, allocate resources as well as providing opportunities for growth and development (Muchinsky, 2012). Lastly, appraisal system helps in clarification of job description and standard of expected performance…

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