Assess why organizations might choose a performance management process over a performance appraisal system. What criteria should an organization focus on when making this decision? ANSWER Organization’s Performance Performance management and performance appraisal are strategies involved in improving the efficiency and productivity of a firm. Both approaches are valid and have some similarities, but an organization can choose performance management over performance appraisal due to some attributes tagged along with the method. This paper seeks to shed light on the… Performance management involves managing and improving employee’s performance in the entire organization. Its main aim is to plan, track, and asses, for a particular period, the performance of an employee. The approach motivates employees to increase their effectiveness and efficiency. On the other hand, performance appraisal refers to the regular evaluation of employee’s … Performance management is an ongoing process, while performance appraisal is a rigidly timed approach. Therefore, the flexibility of performance management is the attribute that can make an organization choose it over the performance appraisal method. The values of a team are respected in performance management while in performance appraisal, it is more of an individual approach. The fact that performance management is a process of ongoing growth, organizations are more likely to implement… |
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