Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

ESSAY: BBA 3551, Information Systems Management

You are the business owner of a local cleaning service, and you have been thinking about implementing a knowledge management system for your cleaning technicians, especially for those who troubleshoot and solve cleaning problems, such as removing certain carpet and water stains, addressing mold, and selecting the proper tools and products to use for other types of cleaning issues. You are thinking about this because there are times when some of your cleaning technicians know how to properly clean carpets and others do not. Providing a central knowledge repository could help share cleaning knowledge among your cleaning technicians.

Compose a paper that addresses the elements listed below.

Explain the role of knowledge management systems.
Explain what is meant by expert systems.
Explain what is meant by content management systems.
Discuss how the business in the selected scenario could benefit from an expert system and a content management system, and provide two examples for each type of system.
Discuss how the business in the selected scenario could benefit from business intelligence, and provide two examples of these benefits.
Discuss how the business in the selected scenario can use social media to not only obtain information and knowledge but to share it as well, and provide two examples of how the business might use social media information systems.
Your paper must be at least two pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages), and you must also use at least two scholarly sources, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library. Any information from a source must be cited and referenced in APA format, and your paper must be formatted in accordance to APA guidelines.

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Organizations rely on knowledge management systems as the best approach in equipping their employees with necessary working skills. This essay critically evaluates the different aspects of knowledge management as can be applied in a given scenario.

The role of knowledge management systems

Knowledge management systems are essential in any organization. They enable such organizations to manage and capture data/ information that employees may need. Furthermore, they help support processes that allow the knowledge to be acquired, stored, distributed and used as well as procedures that enable the creation of new knowledge.

What are expert systems

An expert system is an artificial intelligence system or a computer system that can mimic the ability to decide that of a human being. Such systems are made to solve complex decisions by use of different sets of knowledge represented mainly as a set of rules rather than normal procedural codes (Collins, 2018). An example of such a system is MYCIN which is based on backward chaining, which could identify different sets of bacteria that could result in acute infections.

content management systems.

A content management system can be defined as a software application whose utility is in managing and creating as well as modifying digital content. Furthermore, content management systems can be used for content management enterprise as well as the management of web content. The systems allow different contributors to create, edit as well as publish web content.

How the business could benefit from an expert system and a CMS As stated in the definition of an expert system, decisions have to be made regarding complex systems such as the one mentioned in the case scenario. In the given situation, the decision is to come up with a central knowledge repository that can help share cleaning knowledge among the cleaning technicians. The expert system, in this case, will be designed to come up with specialized information and demonstrate how the technicians can retrieve the information and finally show how the information can be used in making cleaning decisions. Since expert systems provide advise that is discipline-specific, the cleaners can readily benefit from the knowledge pool created by the system. An example of an expert system that can be used is a neuro-fuzzy system which is based on artificial neural network and allows speech to be integrated into the system for ease of use. DENDRAL…

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