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ESSAY: Best Investigative Practices & Alarm Systems

After reading this week’s material, answer the following question in the Forum:

– Highlight the best investigative practices.

– Describe what makes them so effective.

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– Differentiate different alarm systems and their purposes


Best Investigative Practices

In retail loss prevention, the responsibility of developing loss investigative strategies is held by the stores’ management. However, some stores opt to outsource this responsibility by hiring outside consultants to help them in developing these strategies. Therefore, these strategies are important in gathering loss evidence and submitting a proof of loss. In the most severe cases…

Investigative strategies comprise of internal and external investigations. Internal investigations are limited to the people serving inside the stores, while external investigations are limited to customers and other outsiders…

Internal investigations comprise of honesty and service tests. Honesty testing helps to detect theft, fraud, deception, and any other ill behavior by employees. Service testing, on the other hand, assesses the employees’ demeanor on issues such as personal appearance, customer service, courtesy, salesmanship, and product knowledge (Trafford & Watts, 2014). This strategy helps…

External investigations comprise of interviews and interrogations. These strategies involve interviews on all witnesses (Greggo & Kresevich, 2016). The witnesses may include customers, employees, victims, suspects, and the stores’ security officers. These interviews should be complemented by the review of camera footages and witnesses’ statements. By so doing, the…

Alarm Systems

Alarm systems are crucial to the safety of retail stores and other business. They are equipped to signal alarms and monitor activities taking place within and outside the stores (Greggo & Kresevich, 2016). Since there are different types of alarm systems, a store must select the most suitable one for its business.  The different types of alarm systems include monitored …

The monitored alarm system works to alert and contact the police whenever the alarms get triggered (Trafford & Watts, 2014). The unmonitored alarm system only sets aloud sirens when alarms are triggered. Therefore, it mostly relies….

In the long run, keeping the retail stores safe is all that matters. By considering just how much can be saved through loss prevention, putting the best investigative strategies and alarm systems is certainly a …


Greggo, A., & Kresevich, M. (2016). Retail Security and Loss Prevention Solutions. Boca Raton: CRC Press.

Trafford, T., & Watts, I. (2014). Introduction to Retail Loss Prevention. Scotts Valley: Createspace Independent Pub.

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