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ESSAY: Building a Theft Awareness Program

After reading this week’s material, answer the following questions in the Forum:

– What are ways a LPO can assist in integrating a culture of integrity and safety in the store?

– Why is it important for a retailer to have a culture of integrity?

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Building a Theft Awareness Program

A loss prevention officer (LPO) facilitates the security and protection of the retail business by curbing vandalism and theft. Therefore, he or she adds value to the retail chain store by building a culture of safety and integrity. For successful retail businesses, retail stores ought to create atmospheres of integrity. Such are made distinct by ethical and honest customers and employees (Trafford & Watts, 2014). Just as the customers expect to deal with stores that build ethical and honest relationships, so does the stores expect their customers to be morally upright. Therefore, a LPO creates a culture of integrity by helping the store control/manage operational costs and enhancing efficiency in service delivery. In addition, a LPO also creates a culture of integrity by encouraging the employees to adhere to organizational policies to prevent workplace problems or ligations. A LPO also conduct security audits, implementing security recommendations, as well as implementing best practices, …

Security audits are performed in efforts of assessing the store’s security. A loss prevention officer can use such audits to identify the store’s security risks and make changes to ensure that the store remains safe and protected (Trafford & Watts, 2014). Methods used in security auditing comprise of the review of security policies, the review of the store’s security architecture, and risk assessments. Any of the methods mentioned above can be used to provide detailed reports of the store’s security. Besides, in so doing, the loss prevention…

Best practices in responsibilities and roles can also be used to correctly identify the individuals responsible for security risks. By gathering and reporting information, the loss prevention officer can identify additional information that would help keep the store safe and secure. Thus, he or she is able to perform improvement activities, especially in matters relating to the store’s security policies and recommendations. In such a case, the loss prevention officer can also ensure compliance with the business’ integrity and safety standards. Alongside this, a loss prevention officer can develop measures of curbing people risks (Trafford & Watts, 2014). Consequently, the ill intents of shoplifters and the store’s adversaries are thwarted. Lastly, a loss prevention officer can prompt creative and innovative solutions to improve the store’s safety and integrity…

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