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ESSAY: Case Analysis

Select ONE (1) of the three illustrations below. Read the selected case and in the forum discuss the questions at the end of the illustration. Be sure to identify your illustration title at the beginning of your post.

Illustration 15.2 The Barclays Jam

Illustration 15.3 Dinner with the consultants

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Illustration 15.4 A tale of two workshops


Case Analysis: Illustration 15.2 The Barclays Jam

The case study on Barclays illustrates how the involvement of employees in making important organizational decisions can be of great help. Analysis of the case based on the questions offered will not only help in understanding the aspect of managerial initiatives in employee inclusivity but will also help in identifying the role of employees in …

Question 1

The main direct benefit of Vaswani’s initiatives to involving employees in strategy is that it helps in the development of a pool of better ideas for a company. The company will be able to benefit from the diverse skills and expert opinions of people in the organization (Ouakouak & Ouedraogo, 2013). Diversity in skills will help in developing a pool of ideas, while expert opinions …

Improved employee commitment is an indirect benefit that Vaswani’s initiatives will offer to the organization due to employee inclusivity. Including employees in the process of decision making will help in motivating employees due to their active participation in the daily running of the company (Friis & Koch, 2015). In addition, involving employees in strategy development will also improve employee commitment and loyalty by showing them that they are of great value to the company. The end result will be improved productivity…

Question 2

Apart from information systems approaches, there are several ways that employees can be engaged in strategy development. One of the major initiatives is by promoting teamwork, collaboration, and recognizing the ideas of all teams (Ouakouak & Ouedraogo, 2013). Once employees are grouped into teams, they will be able to take an active role in strategy…

Providing employee feedback platforms and acting on the feedback is another way that management can boost employee involvement in strategy development. Employee’s feedback is vital in gauging how various aspects of the company are operated (Friis & Koch, 2015). In case the management takes up the feedbacks and develop better ways to handle areas that are a challenge…


Friis, O., & Koch, C. (2015). Strategy innovation with employee involvement. International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business7(2), 125. doi: 10.1504/ijgsb.2015.071182

Ouakouak, M., & Ouedraogo, N. (2013). Employee involvement in the strategy-making process and company performance: The mediating role of employee strategic alignment. International Journal of Business Environment5(4), 319. doi: 10.1504/ijbe.2013.052083

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