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ESSAY: Create a comprehensive plan of action for developing and managing a primary care practice.

Create a comprehensive plan of action for developing and managing a primary care practice. The primary care practice may be a practice that you are familiar with, or you can create a hypothetical practice. The paper’s focus should be on: 1) describe the practice as a nurse practitioner who is preparing to enter independent practice (FNP Students); Address 2 of the following questions:

List the services provided in the practice and the various lines of service available.
Develop strategies to establish or expand your professional network.
Develop one-year and five-year strategic plans listing your short-term and long-term goals.
Evaluate the professional image of the practice.
Develop a marketing strategy that communicates to the public the services of the practice and customer satisfaction.


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Many primary care practices are emerging across the globe, with the United States being one of the few countries developing guides on how to inform people on how to do it. The provision of patient-centered care has long been recognized as a need among pediatric nurses and health care practitioners. This means that for quick recovery, the need for patient-centered care has become more pertinent than ever. The concept of developing primary care practices continues to grow with time, where they focus on addressing needs for vulnerable populations (Van Cleave et al., 2016). Today, providing primary care to vulnerable populations such as children with special needs and minority…

Developing a primary care practice have the potential of improving the physical, social, cognitive and emotional aspects of a population (Kan, Choi & Davis, 2016). It also helps in reducing social health disparities and ensuring that every patient has equal access to quality care. The development of a primary care practice is guided by a number factors like the state and federal regulations, general….

Services Offered

A primary care practice offers several services to its target group. These services and practices are designed to contribute to the general health of patients by addressing the social determinates of health. While they may not be immediate solutions to the patient’s basic needs, they contribute significantly to their outcome and safety. Remember that a health practitioner plays a significant role in supporting and addressing social and environmental factors that affect patients. The practice…

  • Provide anticipatory guidance
  • Offering referrals for care coordination
  • Providing primary care
  • Support families in addressing social and clinical determinants of health
  • Maintaining a strong bond with families
  • Support families and health practitioners to identify issues such as maternal depression, food insecurities and dealing with stress

The listed services are based on underlying approaches and attributes that use a team approach where members are committed to strengthening families’ relationships with population with special needs. Staffs are also committed to maintaining strong relationships with each other to promote collaboration (Kan, Choi & Davis, 2016). All the pediatric services offered within the practice include three components that are not in any way replicated since they are based on authentic approaches not being used today. Most of the services listed can help develop a standard practice for children and can be fully incorporated into different systems that help provide health services to children.

Strategies of Developing /Expanding Professional Network To build and expand my professional network, I will invest in collaborative initiatives and networks. I will also use my contacts in the healthcare sector. However, health equity initiatives count as my main strategy for expanding my professional network because most practitioners that have championed different programs for patients with special needs and provided insight within the field of health and primary care are members. Other methods I will use include exploring different existing programs and how they can all

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