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ESSAY: Describe the fundamental elements of a model for change

Describe the fundamental elements of a model for change, such as steps involved in the process, approach in mobilizing the change process, and what is needed to sustain the results.

This is a discussion baord post, so no cover sheet is needed.

I have chosen The change model of Lippitt’s it has seven phases, I have attaced an article to help with this post that has information on Lippitt’s change model, this can be the reference as well.

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Fundamental Elements of a Model for Change

Many scholars explain how and why changes may occur.  For instance, Mitchell (2013) argues that improving the workplace requires involvement/participation of all stakeholders as well as the maintenance of innovations. Although there are numerous difficulties associated with transforming ideas into action, change is critical to organizational success.  It is important, therefore, that leaders identify a proper change model/theory to offer a framework for evaluating, implementing, managing changes (Mitchell, 2013). This essay will focus on fundamental elements of Lippitt’s change model. The first step of the model is assessment, which has three phases. The first phase involves diagnosing the problem, second phase is assessing the motivation and the capacity for change, while the third phase involves assessing resources and the motivation of agents towards the change (Mitchell, 2013). The second step of the model is planning, which has two phases. This include Phase 4 for choosing on progressive change objective and phase five that entails choosing the appropriate role for the change agent. The third phase is implementation …

Approach in Mobilizing the Change Process

Lippitt’s theory suggest that diagnosing the problem forms a basis for the change process. Therefore, a comprehensive literature survey or giving the task to someone who has excellent analytical skills helps provide an assessment and interpretation of the available data to advocate for the change required. Using force field analysis, which is a framework for solving problems can also be good in mobilizing the …

Sustaining the Results

Making change part of organizational structure by involving everyone within the organization and letting everyone suggest changes help sustain the results. It is important to assess and adjust any barriers hindering success (Silver et al., 2016). Furthermore, it is important to compensate employees for willingly adopting change. Effective communication is also key to the entire change process and it enhances…


Mitchell, G. (2013). Selecting the best theory to implement planned change. Nursing Management (through 2013)20(1), 32.

Silver, S., McQuillan, R., Harel, Z., Weizman, A., Thomas, A., & Nesrallah, G. et al. (2016). How to sustain change and support continuous quality improvement. Clinical Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrology, 11(5), 916-924. doi: 10.2215/cjn.11501015

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