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ESSAY: Diagnosis

Discuss one approach of the physical exam of the pregnant woman that differs from that of the adult patient.

Then, using Chapters 19 (The Pregnant Woman) and 21 (The Older Adult) of your Goolsby and Grubbs text, select one common diagnosis and one less-common diagnosis for both pregnant women and older adults. Describe how you would be able to differentiate them from each other in an exam.

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Diagnosis for Pregnant Women and Older Adults

Bacteria vaginitis is a common pregnancy diagnosis and is commonly related to negative pregnancy outcomes like premature rupture of membranes, preterm labor, and preterm delivery. However, the disorder can be treated through antibiotic therapy, but the rates of cure are recurrent and erratic. However, research shows conflicting proof on whether the treatment and screening of asymptomatic bacterial vaginitis among high-risk pregnant women reduce the rates of preterm delivery (Goolsby & Grubbs, 2018).  In pregnant women, the primary physical examination is the objective assessment of vital signs, particularly average gestational age.

Vaginal bleeding is a less common pregnancy diagnosis that affects about 20 to 30 percent of early pregnancies. Moreover, the prevalence of spontaneous abortion in clinically examined pregnancies is about 15 to 20 percent. Serial or single qualitative hCG levels are essential in reviewing vaginal bleeding, particularly during early pregnancies (Handler et al., 2015). During the analysis, physicians should emphasize on fatal heartbeats, the size of the uterine, cervix evaluation, pelvic assessment as well as digital rectal examination. Other crucial physical exam includes hCG level identification, a transvaginal ultrasound, urinalysis, wetness levels, progesterone levels, and stool for occult blood. Signs and symptoms, treatment options, and disease management act the primary differences between virginal bleeding and bacterial vaginitis (Handler et al., 2015).

Dementia is a common diagnosis that affects older adults. The disease is commonly termed as a syndrome that results in deterioration of the client’s behavior, thinking, and memory as well as the ability to continue with day-to-day activities (Handler et al., 2015). According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 50 million people across the globe are currently living with dementia, particularly those living in low and middle-income economies.  Moreover, it is estimated that the number will continue to rise in the coming decades to about 152 million. Nevertheless, through continuous support from the health, social, legal, and financials agencies, the disease can be easily managed and treated (Goolsby & Grubbs, 2018).

Depression is a less common disorder among older adults. Although its presence can lead to great suffering such as impaired functioning, its prevalence rate is 7 percent of the general older individuals, and it accounts for about 6% of YLDs among older adults aging 60 years and above (Handler et al., 2015).  However, the establishment of sustainable policies for long-term and palliative care, as well as the development of age-based services and environment are essential interventions that can reduce the effects of depression in older adults.  In older adults, the most critical physical examination should emphasize the body organs such as the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and head as they are known to impact the functional abilities. For instance, an examination of eyes involves measuring the ocular pressure for glaucoma defects, the primary cause of blindness, and common with aging, analysis of close and distance sight, and corneal arcus. Physical examination of ears involves careful assessment and removal of cerumen effects, the primary cause of hearing defects. Mouth examination entails an in-depth analysis of the teeth. Missing dentures, ill-fitting, and lose teeth can result in a reduced ability to chew and eat enough food to maintain dietary requirements…

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