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ESSAY: Disorders of Musculoskeletal Function: Trauma, Infection, Neoplasms

An 11-year-old boy presents to the emergency room (ER) with a 4-inch laceration on his right arm. He was with his friends doing bicycle stunts when he fell off his bike and cut his arm on a rusty nail from the ramp. In addition, his wrist is swollen, bruised, tender to touch, and warm, with limited mobility. He will most likely need stitches to close the laceration and a splint for the sprain.

In your initial post answer the following questions:

After treatment, as he prepares to leave, you give him last-minute care instructions for laceration and sprain. What would be important for this boy to know to prevent further health concerns with his injuries?
The boy concernedly asks you, “My uncle lost his foot because he got gangrene in it. Am I going to lose my arm if I get an infection in this cut?” How would you respond?

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All references must match the information
The paper has to be in depth pathophysiology and psychology information.


Disorders of Musculoskeletal Function

  1. After treatment, as he prepares to leave, you give him last-minute care instructions for laceration and sprain. What would be important for this boy to know to prevent further health concerns with his injuries?

The primary concern for me would be to prevent the boy from infecting the wound and complicating his muscle sprain. The important thing that the boy should learn is the way to avoid or decrease the risk of injury in the future. This means that the boy should not undertake any stunt activities, or if he does, he should wear protective gear such as knee pads, a helmet, and stick to the basic bicycle riding and not the risky stunts.

According to Grossman & Porth (2014), a laceration is the form of an injury that results in discontinuity within the skin or causes the tear of the skin. Such fractures can only be treated by closing the wounds after the lacerated skin part is cleaned. The seriousness of a laceration depends solely on the size or depth of the wound. To repair laceration, one has to use hemostasis. If there is a risk for infection to a laceration, one has to receive a tetanus injection.

According to Grossman & Porth (2014), a sprain is a form of an injury that affects the ligamentous structures especially those surrounding joints and takes longer to heal. Ligaments around joints could either heal completely or not treat entirely depending on the extremity of the injury caused. Sprains have their complications, such as there is the risk of muscle contractions to pull each other apart during the ligaments’ healing process. There is also the risk of adhesion where tendons would pass through the undesired channels forcing the cords to be useless. I would, therefore, advise the boy to undertake active exercises and report any form of pain to the parents so that they can bring him back to the hospital to be checked. Moreover, I would advise the boy to minimize the movement of the right arm until the stitches are removed.

  1. The boy concernedly asks you, “My uncle lost his foot because he got gangrene in it. Am I going to lose my arm if I get an infection in this cut?” How would you respond?

I would let the boy know that he won’t lose his arm even though I don’t understand why his uncle lost his foot. I would also advise the boy to consider taking a tetanus injection to prevent complications. He also needs to take care of the wound daily by replacing soiled dressings and checking on the progress of the injury as well. If the patient has not healed fully after ten days, he should report the same to his parents so that he can come on for a check-up. Any signs of swellings, headaches, and numbness should also be reported because they may be causes of limited mobility. It is imperative to note that lacerations and wounds that are caused by rusty objects tend to result in the growth of anaerobic bacteria (Orriss & MacRae, 2016) The boy risks getting infected with gas gangrene, which, if the wound is not well handled, might result in amputation of the arm. Gas gangrene is an infection that affects the deep soft tissues of the body. It is mainly caused by Clostridium species that is highly characterized by music constriction. Having a healthy immune….

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