Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

ESSAY: Education and Training

If your Human Resources Department asked you to assess your department’s training needs, how would you go about in doing it? Once training needs have been identified, write a sample training objective in behavioral terms.


Education and Training

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                Employees’ performance is the foundation of determining training and skill needs in an organization. Importantly, the aggregation of departments’ contribution predetermines how the organization competes in the market. As a result, investing in improving employees’ skills and abilities is worth the business to gain an organization a competitive advantage (Hosseini et al., 2018). However, every effective training program must be founded on the business needs and skill gap in the organization, whether at the individual or departmental levels.             The skill gap is the difference between the current and expected competence in the workplace (SHRM, 2018). In this sense, the best approach to assess training needs is through performance analysis. This plan requires interviewing managers to identify which employees need training. Some of the information to examine employee’s performance includes checking their performance appraisal, units

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