Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

ESSAY: Ethics around the globe

For this assessment, you will get the chance to highlight your creative writing skills and your knowledge surrounding Aristotle. Be the Best You, is a career coaching and mentorship agency that works with employees to not only achieve their professional goals, but their personal goals as well. By using a virtue and character-based approach. As a coach for Be the Best You, you are part of the training committee that creates new training material for the clientele. The agency is seeking 3 new training sessions related to the golden mean, Aristotelian friendship, and eudemonia. Part of these trainings include scenarios that the clientele read and then answer applicable questions. You will be creating three, fully developed scenarios for the golden mean, Aristotelian friendship, and eudemonia. You must include 3 scenarios including 1 for the golden mean, 1 Aristotelian friendship, and 1 for eudemonia. For each scenario, include 3 questions, 9 in total. Each scenario must include: A fully developed fictional scenario that clearly highlights which of the three (the golden mean, Aristotelian friendship, and eudemonia) is being presented. Clearly define the characters and the actions that are representative of the selected topic. Three, open-ended questions pertaining to the scenario that the clientele would answer in relation to the facts and the topic of the scenario. Rubric: -Fully developed fictional scenario for the golden mean, with high level of detail surrounding the characters and the actions representing the golden mean. -Provides 3, highly developed and relevant questions and answers to correspond with the golden mean. -Fully developed fictional scenario for the golden mean, with high level of detail surrounding the characters and the actions representing Aristotelian friendship. -Provides 3, highly developed and relevant questions and answers to correspond with Aristotelian friendship. -Fully developed fictional scenario for the golden mean, with high level of detail surrounding the characters and the actions representing eudemonia. -Provides 3, highly developed and relevant questions and answers to correspond with eudemonia.


Ethics Around the Globe

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Aristotle’s View of the Golden Mean

The Golden mean is an essential aspect of Aristotle’s virtue model, which needs to be understood and appropriately applied to any life scenario. The virtues surrounding Aristotle’s ethics are founded within the Golden mean, which entails identifying the balance between two means. According to Aristotle, the virtual can be discovered between two vices, each of which involves either deficiency or excess of the real virtue (Bykova, 2016). Aristotle found that the difference between vice and virtues in both actions and emotions is a matter of balance and extremes. Nevertheless, the situation is not as simple as applying virtue; it is required that one should apply practical wisdom (phronesis) to make the right decision based on the situation.

Scenario: one day, you witnessed a robbery in the middle of a large crowd of people. However, due to your cowardliness, you did nothing and let the thief move through the crowd. However, another standing next to you saw the incidence and runs goes after the thief. 

  1. How can you describe your condition based on Aristotle’s virtue model?
  2. How can you describe the person who runs after the thief based on the golden mean model?
  3. Describe the actions of the thief using Aristotle’s virtue model?

Aristotelian Friendship

Aristotle found that friendship as one of the real joys of life and stated that for a life to be termed as well lived, there need to have significant and long-lasting friendships. Aristotle grouped friendship into distinct categories, i.e., accidental and friendship of the good. He described accidental friendship as temporally and the second category as long-lasting (Bykova, 2016). One type of accidental friendship is termed as the friendship of utility, where two parties are not in for affection; instead, they are in for mutual benefits. This category of friendship end when the benefit ends.  

Scenario: John and James have been in a business relationship for the last five years of their contract. However, since the end of their contract, they parted ways, and both started their business. They hardly have prolonged conversations and meetings. 

1. What type of friendship did John and James share?

Another type of accidental friendship is based on pressure and is common among young people. This form of friendship is short-lived as it ends when either person’s preference or taste change. Most young people go through phases of attachment-based on what they want to enjoy. In most cases, their friends change along the way (Bykova, 2016).

Scenario: Lucy and Anne have been close friends since their first day in college. They did everything together, including playing the same sport, learning the same course among other things. However, after school, they parted ways still today.  2. Based on Aristotle’s model of friendship, what was….

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