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ESSAY: Evidence Based Practice Project


In 500‐750 words (not including the title page and reference page), develop an evaluation plan to be included in your final evidence‐based practice project. Provide the following criteria in the evaluation, making sure it is comprehensive and concise:
Describe the rationale for the methods used in collecting the outcome data.
Describe the ways in which the outcome measures evaluate the extent to which the project objectives are achieved.
Describe how the outcomes will be measured and evaluated based on the evidence. Address validity, reliability, and applicability.
Describe strategies to take if outcomes do not provide positive results.
Describe implications for practice and future research.


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Rationale for Methods Used

Observation and interview methods were used to collect outcome data in the implementation of scheduled analgesic among the geriatric trauma patients. Each of these data collection approaches contributes to the qualitative and quantitative assessment of the overall change initiative (Mabbott, 2011). More specifically, each data collection method has specific reasons for its implementation in the nursing change process.   

Observation is used since it helps nurses to professionally tell the effective signs to collect to rate the outcome of the change realization process. Both structured and unstructured observations will optimize the data evaluation process by capturing every small detail of the outcome. On the other hand, interview method was chosen because it facilitates collection of behavioral reactions of patients (Case, Fried & O’Leary, 2013). Psychological reactions are important among geriatric trauma patients. In that connection, interviews help in evaluating the effectiveness of scheduled analgesic approach in pain management.   

How the Outcome Measures Evaluate Achievement of Project Objectives

Number of pain complication cases after the implementation of scheduled analgesic is an outcome measure that will help in illustrating how the change process is effective. This measure is applied in the change process to evaluate how the project objective of effective pain management among geriatric trauma patients is realized (Sheehan & Lucero, 2015). In case the number of pain complication cases reduce, the project objectives will have been realized. In addition, in case the reduction rate will be high, the project objectives will be realized on a higher score.  

Measurement and Evaluation of Outcomes Based on Evidence, Address Validity, Reliability and Applicability 

Pain management outcomes will be measured and evaluated on the basis of data collected, validity, reliability and applicability. The data collected illustrates that geriatric patients have successfully responded to scheduled analgesic treatment. A reduction from six to two pain complication cases per day has been recorded illustrating that the evidence has realized high efficiency of the change. Addressing the pain issue through the scheduled analgesic is an approach that has proved to be valid from the data collected (Mabbott, 2011). In addition, the reliability of the change has been confirmed by the fact that patients treated with the schedule analgesic have developed a stable pain management response to the change (Smith & Street, 2012). The applicability of the change process is uniquely realized with evidence showing how highly applicable scheduled analgesic is among all the elderly geriatric trauma patients.   

Strategies to Take in Case Positive Results are not Obtained

Nursing change process has a probability of not achieving the intended positive results. In case pain management among geriatric patients is not realized, reimbursement of an intense scheduled analgesic provision with keen observation on patients’ behavior to the change will be realized (Emparanza, Cabello & Burls, 2015). The strategy will ensure that a controlled but highly effective pain management protocol is implemented thus optimizing greater chances of obtaining positive results.  

Implications for Practice and Future Research

Scheduled analgesic outcome data can be effectively used to ensure that nursing practice among geriatric trauma patients is optimized. The quality of care among the patients is required to be very high due to their sensitivity. A well-laid out yet keenly followed schedule will intensify care to the patients thus increasing the quality of nursing practice. On the other hand, scheduled analgesic will ensure that close observation of geriatric trauma patients is effected thus increasing chances of realizing changes in health conditions (Leufer & Cleary-Holdforth, 2009). A research based on the observations will be effectively implemented since first hand outcome data will facilitate real time research. Therefore, future research will be smoothly and easily realized through the scheduled analgesic change process.


Case, S., Fried, T., & O’Leary, J. (2013). How to ask: Older adults’ preferred tools in health outcome prioritization. Patient Education and Counseling91(1), 29-36. Doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2012.11.010

Emparanza, J., Cabello, J., & Burls, A. (2015). Does evidence-based practice improve patient outcomes? An analysis of a natural experiment in a Spanish hospital. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice21(6), 1059-1065. Doi: 10.1111/jep.12460

Leufer, T., & Cleary-Holdforth, J. (2009). Evidence-based practice: improving patient outcomes. Nursing Standard23(32), 35-39. Doi: 10.7748/ns2009.

Mabbott, I. (2011). Nursing – Evidence-Based Practice Skills Nursing – Evidence-Based Practice Skills. Nursing Standard25(33), 30-30. Doi: 10.7748/ns2011.

Sheehan, B., & Lucero, R. (2015). Initial Usability and Feasibility Evaluation of a Personal Health Record-Based Self-Management System for Older Adults. Egems (Generating Evidence & Methods to Improve Patient Outcomes)3(2), 3. Doi: 10.13063/2327-9214.1152

Smith, P., & Street, A. (2012). On The Uses of Routine Patient-Reported Health Outcome Data. Health Economics22(2), 119-131. Doi: 10.1002/hec.2793

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