Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

ESSAY: Fictional Analysis

Tim O’Brien, The Things They Carried
Focus on the symbolism of the story.
Open your introduction with an engaging opener, such as a question, quote from the story, or interesting idea. Then, connect to the short story and mention the title and the author. End your introduction with a thesis statement that interprets one literary element of the story (such as theme, symbolism, or characterization).
The body paragraphs should support your thesis. Present specific aspects of the short story that help to illustrate your points. Make sure to quote from the story and analyze specific lines that support your argument.
Include a strong concluding paragraph that summarizes your main points and explains the significance of the thesis.


The minds of many literary scholars like Tim O’ Brien never seizes to use symbolism as an epitome of the current undertakings in the society. Whether a story of fiction or a real situation, literary writings underscores the true reflection of how the society is, was or will be in the projected future. But the question is, is the writing of Tim O’ Brien in the story “The things they Carried” a mockery to the ignorance of people on the war in Vietnam? As a literary scholar, I am kept guessing the real audience of Tim O’ Brien especially after his many pieces of art. However, in this story, Tim uses a lot of imagery so as to reinforce the many psychological effects that befell many people as a result of the war in Vietnam and the loss endured by many as a result of the deaths of many soldiers. This essay is meant to focus on symbolism used by the author in the story. It is important to highlight that even though literary scholars ought to dissect all literally elements of a story such as theme, symbolism or characterization, for Tim O’ Brien’s “The Things They Carried,” symbolism as will be discussed best brings out the real meaning of this story…

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