Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

ESSAY: Gerontology

What do you think are the two most prevalent age-related changes that affect the lifestyle of the elderly? How would you help an elderly patient adjust to the two changes you identified?



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Arthritis is one of the common age-related conditions that greatly affect patient’s lifestyle. It entails the inflammation of joints causing pain and stiffness. There are various forms of arthritis, each with its unique indicators and treatment plan. Millions of people and half of all individuals aged 65 and above are troubled by this condition. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent type of this disease among the elderly. OA begins when cartilage starts to become malformed and wears out. In the extreme cases, all of the cartilage in the joints wears out, thereby leaving bones rubbing each other (Wahl & Jon, 2017).


As the conditions causing arthritis are, for the most part, incurable, pain management is paramount in order to improve the patient’s quality of life. Pain control should be multimodal and tailored to meet the needs of each patient. A combination of both nonpharmacological and pharmacological interventions is more effective (Wahl & Jon, 2017). For example, patients may use pain relievers and weight control measures to manage arthritis

Visual Loss

Vision impairment among the aged people is a common health care challenge that affects their lifestyle adversely. By the age of 60, one in every three people has one form of eye-sight problem or the other. The most causes of visual impairment among the senior citizens are age-related macular disintegration, cataract, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. Macular degeneration associated with age is characterized by the impairment of central vision (Wahl & Jon, 2017). Cataracts are cloudy spots in the eyes’ lens triggering eyesight impairment. Diabetic retinopathy may be detected during diagnoses or in the course of the first few years of diabetes. Moreover, primary open-angle glaucoma leads to optic nerve breakdown and visual field loss. Since this illness may be asymptomatic in the initial stages, regular screening tests are recommended for the senior citizens (Wahl & Jon, 2017).

Remedy The various remedies that may assist the elderly to adjust to the impaired eyesight depend on the causes. For instance, surgery is recommended for cataract-related impairment. Photodynamic therapy applies a medication and strong light…

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