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ESSAY: Homeostasis

The maintenance of homeostasis is of major importance to all organ systems in the body and the overall survival of the individual. Explain how homeostasis is the maintenance of a dynamic range of environmental qualities rather than holding the internal environment at a set point. What would be wrong with a set point (say for body temperature) rather than a working range of temperatures?
The endocrine system is closely tied to homeostasis functioning. Give two examples of hormones (including their glands of origin and action) that play major roles in homeostatic processes in the body. What happens if these hormones are disrupted in their actions?
Also, look at how we adapt to survival in the outside world. Discuss how maintaining homeostasis gives us greater freedom of activity from dependence upon changes in the external environment. What happens during extremes that force our bodies out of homeostatic bounds? Give specific examples.
Why is the maintenance of homeostasis especially important during development of new humans within the bodies of their mothers? What can go wrong if specific homeostatic functions are disrupted?

            Homeostasis is the process by which living organisms tend to regulate automatically their internal environments to maintain equilibrium internal environments. This is vital to ensure that the organism’s internal environment is at the most optimal functioning conditions. The conditions that are regulated include blood sugar levels, temperature, the concentration of blood mineral ions, body temperature, and body fluid levels. Organisms have to carry out constant regulation of all the factors mentioned above regardless of various changes in environmental conditions, activity levels, and variations in the organism’s diet. This paper highlights how homeostasis maintains a range of multiple environmental factors rather than fixed states. Various hormones in the endocrine systems and their relation to homeostatic balancing are also discussed. The paper also delves into how homeostatic regulations help organisms adapt to their external environments and how they can survive in extreme environmental conditions. Finally, the significance of homeostasis for newborns in the bodies of their mothers is explained (Withers, 1992).
The Role of Homeostasis in Maintaining a Dynamic Range of Environmental Factors Rather Than a Fixed Internal Environmental Condition
            In maintaining homeostasis, the body constantly monitors its internal environmental conditions. All environmental factors that are maintained have a specific set point. The value about which the normal range of environmental conditions fluctuates is known as the set point. The lower and the higher physiological value bounds defined in the normal range are those that the homeostatic processes perceive to be optimally healthful and stable for the normal function of the body. For instance, the human body temperature tends to fluctuate around 37°C. Therefore, this means that the human body temperature can vary by a few degrees, either above or below the given point. Receptors in the organism’s body notify control centers of the environmental changes and those variations are reversed through …

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