Watson’s Caring Theory, a grand theory in nursing, is the underlying framework for United States University College of Nursing’s programs. Identify a theory within her framework. Clearly identify how she defines the concepts and propositions between them. Report them to the class. Discuss why her work is considered a grand theory.
Watson’s Caring Theory
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Write My Essay For MeAccording to Sitzman (2018), the argument of the theory of human caring is that human beings cannot be treated like objects because there is no way one can separate them from their self or nature. The theory focuses primarily on the holistic approach to providing care to patients and the sick (Sitzman, 2018).The core concepts of the theory of human caring include the metaparadigm concepts of the patient, their health, nursing, and the external environment. In her theory, Watson views a person as a holistic being…
Moreover, one’s health relates to their physical, mental and spiritual being, and is often influenced by how one views their experiences in different situations. Nursing, on the other hand, is defined as both an art and a science. Watson sees the role of a nurse as that of a person that has been bestowed with the task of assisting a patient in finding meaning to their healing process and suffering (Pajnkihar et al., 2017). Watson’s theory is a grand theory because it is broad in scope. The theory also focuses on diverse aspects about the environment, health, human beings, and nursing. Watson’s theory provides a framework that emphasizes the humanistic aspects of nursing as they interlink with the provision of medical care and nursing practice. Moreover…
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