Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

ESSAY: Information Systems Management (BBA 3551)

Compose a paper that discusses the key differences between data, information, information technology (IT), and information systems (IS). Your paper should address the components listed below.

Define what is meant by information.
Define what is meant by data.
Create two matrices (one for data and one for information) that illustrate the key differences between information and data, place the matrices into your paper, and briefly discuss the differences in one or two paragraphs. Each matrix should contain characteristics and/or facts about the subjects (data and information) that show how they are different.
Define IT.
Define IS.
Using the five-component model as an example, discuss some differences between IT and IS.
If you are using Microsoft Word, you can develop a matrix using this program. For an example of how to create a matrix using Microsoft Word, see the explanation by clicking the link below.

Microsoft. (n.d.). Create a matrix. Retrieved from

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You may use another computer software program that you are familiar with to create the matrices. However, you must submit your assignment in a Microsoft Word document, and the matrices should be included in the body of your paper.

Your paper must be a minimum of two pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages), and you must use at least two resources as references. Any information from these resources must be cited and referenced in APA format.


Information Systems Management

Data Definition

Data refers to the collection of details and facts such as figures, texts, symbols, descriptions, observations, entities, or events with the aim of deriving meaning. It represents raw facts that must be processed to obtain information. It comprises of statements, characters, and numbers before a human or computer refines it (Muqraz, 2018).

Information Definition

Information, on the other hand, is the data that a computer has organized, processed, structured and specified and presented it in a particular context. The information provides meaning while improving data reliability and thereby reducing its uncertainty and ensuring understandability. When a computer transforms data into information, it is no longer meaningless and does not have useless details (Muqraz, 2018).

The Main Differences between Data and Information

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