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ESSAY: Introduction to Loss Prevention

After reading this week’s material, address the following:

– Compare and contrast Criminal and Civil Law. Give examples.

– What areas should be discussed with new hires in order to reduce loss?

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Introduction to Loss Prevention

Civil and criminal law are fundamentally different from their definition, the purpose, the nature of the prosecution, and the punishments applied. While civil law focuses on providing regulations for resolving disputes and conflicts between individuals, institutions, or between an organization and individuals, criminal law deals with crime and the punishment associated with committing criminal offenses (Roberson & Birzer, 2010).  Criminal law seeks to ensure that peace and stability are maintained in society through proportionate punishment to offenders to deter them and others from repeating or engaging in illegal activities. However, in civil matters, the object pursued by the law is redressed by compelling the restitution or compensation for wrongdoing. The guilty individual in civil law is …

Another significant difference between the two laws is the extent to which the jury is involved. The jury rarely gets involved in civil cases, while it is almost exclusively present in criminal cases (Roberson & Birzer, 2010).  Besides, when a jury participates in a criminal case, it must unanimously agree before a conviction is rendered while in civil cases, it does not have to be unanimous. Once the jury finds one guilty in a criminal case, he or she is convicted; otherwise, the individual is set free. The standard of proof is also different in the two cases with the principle of ‘preponderance of evidence’ applied in civil cases while the ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ principle is used in criminal cases (Roberson & Birzer, 2010).  Examples of civil cases include divorce proceedings, disputes on the property and those between tenants and landlords…


Roberson, C., & Birzer, M. L. (2010). Introduction to private security: Theory meets practice. Prentice Hall.

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