Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

ESSAY: Letter to the Editor

Write a letter to the editor on a topic that is associated with nursing and is of public concern. You will be graded based on the Letter to the Editor Rubric located in your course syllabus.

Choose a health topic that is a concern for you and your community. Suggestions for topics include: need for school health nurses, medical marijuana, nutritious school lunch program, free lunch program, advanced practice nurses as primary care providers, etc.
Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper, incorporating the Letter to the Editor Strategies (PDF). Be sure to include the name and location of the newspaper, the salutation, the body of the letter, your name and credentials, and your contact information.
Submit your letter as a Word document using Times New Roman size 12 font.


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Letter to the Editor

To the editor,


Subject: The Regulation of Medical Marijuana

            There is more public support for law reforms for marijuana than ever before with the current data showing almost half the population in the United States favoring marijuana legalization. The DPA (Drug Policy Alliance) emphasis the need to getting rid of medical marijuana from the U.S. justice system, and regulating it like tobacco or alcohol would be crucial (Pacula & Smart, 2017). Again, the same restrictions alcohol and tobacco is subjected to should be applicable to marijuana: tax it, minors should not be sold, regulate marijuana growers, avoid fetal marijuana babies, and ensure the public product is free from adulterants.            If you can recall what happened when medical marijuana was prohibited, while comparing that with what is happening currently countrywide in areas where there marijuana is acquire and used, heavy penalties have been subjected to. We now have bath salts and spice instead of moonshine. Rather than having different alcohol adulterants, there is currently adulterated marijuana containing meth (Mitchell, 2016). A substantial amount of money has been invested in a bid to outlaw alcohol the same a lot of money is spent to investigate and prosecute marijuana trade. Yet, describing the downside of using marijuana is similar to the use of alcohol or tobacco. Does it not reasonable to legalize marijuana….

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