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ESSAY: Making Decisions

Decisions are made on a daily basis within every position at every company. Decisions regarding company policy can often create the conflicts that were discussed within last week’s forum. This week, we also read about making financial decisions within a company. When making a decision that affects multiple departments within the company, it is important to think about the long-term benefits or challenges. Think back over your professional life…discuss a decision that was made by your company that had an effect on you or your department directly. What challenges were created by this decision? Was your company prepared for these challenges? How was this decision communicated to the employees? What could have been improved within this process? While you are not required to formally cite your sources within the forum, you should make sure that you are incorporating information from the readings into your responses. Your responses should clearly show that you have read the material.


Making Decisions

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The advent of social media advertising has altered some of the crucial operations of the sales and marketing departments in organizations. For instance, one of the critical changes which my employer made sometimes back was to reallocate funds from the sales and marketing department to the production section. According to Kane (2015), companies have realized that with the use of social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, they can achieve improved sales and marketing objectives. As such, fewer businesses are ready to …

The decision to reallocate funds from the sales and marketing department to the production section led to some challenges in my place of work. Considerably, Van der Voet (2014) reveals that many enterprises tend to embrace particular emerging trends with some profound alacrity. In most cases, the management fails to analyze how the decision will affect other aspects of a business. By deciding to reduce the budget for sales and marketing, my employer knew that the business would market its products on a cost-effective platform through the use of social media. However, there were challenges because some of the clients who are not social media users started making complaints about the absence of sales and marketing staff in the field. Considerably, the cause of this challenge is that the management made the decision….

The decision was appropriate, but the implementation strategy was inefficient. First, it would have been prudent for the finance department to seek expertise from our sales and marketing department. This would have made the finance department to understand if the reallocation of money for fieldwork should be partial or the entire budget. Considerably, the…

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