Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

ESSAY: Onboarding

Onboarding “Process by which new employees learn attitudes, knowledge, skills and behaviors required to be effective in an organization” pages 214-216.

Read the following article addressing the subject of transferring the workplace culture during onboarding and answer the discussion question:

Looking back, what is the process used at your current employer (or previous if you are not currently employed) for onboarding? Do you think the process could be accelerated or improved?

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Building a resilient onboarding process is the best approach to welcome and maintain new employees. An effective onboarding process is about strategizing ahead and thinking from the new employee’s viewpoint. The onboarding practices employed at my place of work include implementing the basics before the first day of the job. This includes preparing formal policies that will be signed and setting up the new employee’s platform for working, such as creating a comfortable workstation. The next practice is making the first day of the job to be special for the new employee. Special days are welcomed by conducting a welcome lunch plan for new employees. The human…

Onboarding is more pleasurable and gratifying at my place of work, thanks to my employer’s active involvement in the creation of a friendly environment for new employees. My current employer also ensures setting of achievable expectations, which help to monitor the progress of new employees. Monitoring progress is a good practice in onboarding as it helps …

The onboarding process can always be improved. For instance, the company can automate some processes such as official forms and policy education. However, it’s good to note that automating all operations of the onboarding…


Klein, H. J., Polin, B., & Leigh Sutton, K. (2015). Specific onboarding practices for the socialization of new employees. International Journal of Selection and Assessment23(3), 263-283.

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