Post a clinically relevant research question using the PICOT format. How did you arrive at this topic and question? Why is it important? |
You will be responding to one of the following discussion forum questions related to defining your research question using PICOT.
-Evaluate the Effectiveness Of Post-Discharge Follow-Up Among [Congestive Heart Failure or high-risk population] Patients on Reduction of Hospital Readmission, Improve Quality Of Life, Medication Reconciliation, Self-Care Skills and Coordination of Care During Transition to Home.
-Effectiveness of Nurse Practitioner’s Home Visits in Improving Patient Adherence in the Management of [Hypertension or population]
Congestive heart failure is a lifestyle disease that continues to be common around the world. In the US, there are close to 5 million cases of people diagnosed with heart failure. These cases cut across all ages but dominate in people with color (Mozaffarian et al, 2016). Since the heart is a critical organ in the body, discharge of a person who has been treated with heart failure is critical as it has to assure safety and continuity of life. While in a hospital, the healthcare team always undertakes tests to check how well the heart is working (Chioncel et al, 2017). Some of what is expected for a person who has been discharged include sadness or depression…
PICOT Question
The PICOT question is: For patients that have congestive heart failure or other high-risk populations, does Post discharge follow-up mechanisms help improve the quality of life by reducing cases of readmission and improving self-care skills?
Problem – Congestive heart failure
Intervention – Effective post-discharge follow-up mechanisms
Compared to – Lack of follow-up
O – Better quality of life
T – When one is sick
How I Arrived at the Topic and Question and Why it is Important
There are many death cases that occur as a result of patients who have hypertension getting neglected just after they leave a medical facility (Chen et al, 2018). However, evidence-based practice suggests that
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