ESSAY: Post a comparison of the model used for the interdisciplinary geriatric teams at your current practicum site to models used at other sites.

With the growing population of frail elders, there is an increase of geriatric patients requiring ongoing care for multiple medical conditions. This creates the need for interdisciplinary geriatric care teams. Often, the dynamics and culture of these teams differ across various sites of care, such as assisted living, home care, hospitals, long-term care, and rehabilitation facilities. As an advanced practice nurse, it is important to understand your role in the care team as well as your potential impact on patient care. In this Discussion, you explore models of interdisciplinary geriatric care teams for different sites of care and the varying roles of the advanced practice nurse.

Ensure that the following article is part of the reference

The Geriatric Floating Interdisciplinary Transition Team

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Alicia I. Arbaje, MD, MPH,

Case Study 3

Mrs. Randall is a 77-year-old female who resides in a long-term care facility. She has a history of frequent falls and is severely cognitively impaired. The nursing staff at the long-term care facility called the nurse practitioner at the medical home office to report the recent development of productive cough and high fever. There have been cases of flu in the facility; however, Mrs. Randall has had a flu shot. The nurse practitioner in the office requests a chest x-ray in the long-term care facility. The nurse on duty in the facility states that there is no portable chest x-ray equipment available. She further requests that Mrs. Randall be transferred to the emergency room of the local hospital. Mrs. Randall’s daughter has durable power of attorney for health care decisions for her mother. The long-term care facility has notified the daughter of the change in her mother’s condition. The daughter says whatever the nursing home wants is fine with her.

To prepare:

  • Review this week’s media presentation, as well as the American Geriatrics Society and Arbaje et al. articles in the Learning Resources.
  • Research models of interdisciplinary geriatric care teams that are used at various sites, such as assisted living, home care, hospitals, long-term care, and rehabilitation facilities.
  • Consider the model used for the interdisciplinary geriatric care teams at your current practicum site. Compare this model to models used at other sites.
  • Reflect on how the role of the advanced practice nurse differs according to the site of care.
  • Select one of the three case studies. Consider how care should be facilitated for the patient in the case you selected based on the model used for the interdisciplinary geriatric care teams at your practicum site.

By Day 3

Post a comparison of the model used for the interdisciplinary geriatric teams at your current practicum site to models used at other sites. Then, explain how the role of the advanced practice nurse differs according to the site of care. Finally, explain how care should be facilitated for the patient in the case you selected based on the model used for the interdisciplinary geriatric teams at your practicum site.


Geriatric Patient Care

The American Geriatrics Society is a nationwide, not for profit organization mandated with improving the overall healthcare, quality of life and independence of older people. Arbaje et al. (2010) provides a summary of how the elderly should be taken care of and the general nursing care for Geriatric patients. Interdisciplinary care teams rely on various models at different sites such as: assisted living, home care, hospitals, rehabilitation facilities and long-term care in providing health care (Arbaje et al., 2010). A geriatric model is chosen based on challenges that a team is trying to address. In my practicum site, I have used geriatric evaluation and management team model which lengthens the stay of a patient in our facility but offer the best health care services for eventual discharge. The advantage of this model to others is that those who take care of the patient like Mrs. Randall’s daughter are assured of best medical attention by the geriatric team. The role of the advanced practice nurse differs according to the site of care owing to the fact that they are different specialists and every site has different equipment. For example, borrowing from the case of Mrs. Randal, she could not receive help from….

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