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ESSAY: principles of marketing essay on the chpter reading

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North Americans feel better about hotels than ever. The goodwill is unlikely to last: Future reservations (2016, July 18). The Economist. Retrieved from

Based on the article and this unit’s other reading assignments, examine how value proposition in the hotel industry has evolved to change guest behavior across generations. Provide examples that support your analysis.

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Your essay must include an introduction, be at least three pages in length, and be double-spaced, not counting the title and reference pages. All sources used, including the article, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.


Value Proposition in Hotel Industry

Hospitality industry is an important sector that serve as a source of income for many people. The industry has been changing value proposition to meet the customer needs and preferences that are always changing since customers want self-esteem, satisfaction, pride, praise, and feelings of comfort. Most hotels seek to improve their pre-arrival and onsite services by meeting customer expectations. This is achieved by having an exceptional location and unique guestroom options that give guests great vacation experiences.  This essay will discuss how value proposition in the hotel industry has evolved to change guest behavior across generations.

Hotels are increasingly offering services that are attractive to the millenials like fast and easy checking in/out as well as meals at reasonable prices. They do this to adapt to the needs of this generation which is always focused on efficiency (Bowie, Buttle, Brookes & Mariussen, 2016). Second, hotels are also employing smartphone enabled facilities to change customer behavior.  

As a result of globalization and increase in international trade, hotels are providing services for different cultures in order to cater for the demands of visitors from all over the world (Melissen, Cavagnaro, Damen, & Düweke, 2016). This has helped them ensure improved customer satisfaction as well as enhancing efficiency in customer service. In addition, hotels are providing wellness services such as yoga, gyms and pools and spas in order to enhance their competitive advantage. This is to cater for visitors that are looking for places to relax and meditate. Hotels are also working with online travelling agencies to make it easier for customers to assess the prices and to seek direction. They have come up with online booking platforms and mobile check-ins that are making it easy to book accommodation and make travel plans for free. Hotels are using social media to market and promote their services. Today, a customer will first go online to check the hotels social media page to see what they offer and to read reviews from previous guests before determining whether to book the hotel or not. Therefore, hotels are more transparent with their online platforms and detail the services that they offer. Hotels are using these platforms to communicate with their customers directly…

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