Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

ESSAY: Professional goals

1. Write a statement identifying your professional development goals.
2.Write a statement proposing how you might align one or more of your professional development goals with the university’s emphasis on social change.


Professional Goals

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Most nurses would agree that goals are a very significant aspect of their work life. Goal setting is especially essential in very demanding jobs. Such jobs may require continuous growth in terms of becoming the best versions of ourselves as professionals. Nurses, therefore, need to improve their skills as well as the quality of their work regularly (Graebe, 2018). They can achieve this by strength….

As a professional, I would expand my expert knowledge through undergoing continuous training, hands-on experience, and practicing role-playing to put my knowledge to practice. I would also interact with my colleagues and exchange ideas with them to assist each other on how to improve on various health and management areas (Cordingley, Higgins & Greany, 2015). I would also carry …

I would also research on how best to improve my job performance and then adopt these methods in my job. I also want to improve my performance by having a positive attitude towards the jobs as well as working efficiently and effectively. Lastly, I would take part in the activities of international agencies during free time to boost skills such as communication….

As part of my professional goals, I plan to implement social change by engaging in community services. I want to give back to my community and ensure that I save as many families as possible from poverty as well as improve access to quality care (Sanford, 2017). I would make use of such platforms and share advice on the crucial issues affecting Americans as a society. Lastly, I would offer free training in my area of specialization, thus passing on skills and making it easier for others to acquire relevant health management skills. I will …

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