Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

ESSAY: Public Health Nursing

Describe an issue or problem in public health that could be addressed with a policy change, including:
Who or what is affected by the current state of affairs and in what way?
What needs to be done differently to improve the problem/issue?
What type of policy (i.e., city/county/state ordinance, business/organizational policy) would you recommend?


Public Health Nursing

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Problem /Issue

The primary public health problem that needs to be addressed is the continued rise in costs of healthcare due to high medical insurance fees across the country. The high medical insurance fees being paid by people within the country have resulted in…

Who/What Is Affected by The Current State of Affairs

The current state of affairs affects taxpayers who depend on public health services. Such taxpayers are affected by the high fees being charged for each medical service they receive, making it unaffordable for them to acquire the services. There is an increased inability for those who are disadvantaged economically to access medical services, increased outsourcing of affordable medical care, and high ….

What Needs to Be Done Differently to Solve the Problem?

A review of the current medical insurance policies need to be done. There is also a need for partnerships to be formed with different health insurance providers to help devise ways that they can provide affordable services to affected taxpayers (Reich et al., 2016). Moreover, seeking government grants and support to finance different alternatives for medical health insurance will …

What Type of Policy Would You Recommend?

I would recommend the implementation of a comprehensive medical insurance cover policy where all patients covered by the plan are billed through insurance (Elrod & Fortenberry, 2017). The medical cover should meet the following quality dimensions; reduced mortality rates, improved access to healthcare services, enhanced access to quality medical care, affordability, and should allow …

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