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ESSAY: Public Health Nursing

There are issues in public health that pose ethical dilemmas because it is necessary to weigh the concerns of both the individual and the community. Describe an example of a public health ethical dilemma. What is the primary public health interest in this example?


Public health, which entails protecting the health of people and their community, is one of the most important subsets of healthcare. Achieving proper public health concerns depends on promoting healthy lifestyles, researching on how to avert infections in the community as well as preventing or responding to emerging infections in the community. In trying to achieve these aspects, public health officers are faced with many ethical dilemmas which they have to contend with as they seek to improve the well-being of the community they work in (Resnik et al., 2018). This task seeks to describe an example of a public health dilemma as well as highlight the primary public health interest in the example provided.
Ethical Dilemma
There are many ethical issues that come up in public health. One most notable ethical dilemma is, however, paternalism and respect for the community. While paternalism entails acting with the intent of promoting the welfare of the community but mostly happens against the consent of the community that receives help. There are many instances when public health officers have always opted to swing into action whenever any public health issue crops up. The remedy they initiate however is never in the know for the community. The question that one asks, however, is whether the response has to be enacted only after the community has been consulted (Greenacre, 2016). This dilemma also goes hand in hand with respect as the community at times feel disrespected if they are not consulted. As an example, assume there is an outbreak of cholera in a community and then public health officers opt to come up with remedies without involving the community. Even though the idea is to help the community, the fact that they are not consulted brings in paternalism.
Primary Public Health Interest in the Example
The greatest public health interest, in this case, is to promote the public good of the community even when it at times goes against their rights

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