Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

ESSAY: Respiratory dysfunction

You are the education coordinator at a local hospital. You have been asked to give a presentation to the hospital nurses on pulmonary embolisms and cor pulmonale.

In your initial post answer the following questions:

How would you describe to these clinicians the physiology that plays a vital role in the development of these diseases?
What factors do you think are most important for them to know as they treat patients? Can one contribute to the formation of the other?

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Respiratory Dysfunction

My presentation to the hospital nurses will focus on the physiology that plays a vital role in the development of pulmonary embolisms and cor pulmonale diseases. The presentation will then dwell on the factors that I believe are most important for them to know as they manage patients. Finally, I will indicate the link between the two conditions.

Pulmonary embolism (PE) occurs when a blood clot is lodged in one of the lung arteries and inhibits blood supply to the lung tissues. The condition normally originates from a clot that arises in the subterranean venues structure of the lower extremities. In rare cases, however, PE may originate in the renal, pelvic, right heart chambers, upper extremity or veins. After moving to the lung, massive blood clot can cause hemodynamic compromise in lobar branches or main pulmonary artery. It is important to note that although PE can originate from any body organs, in most cases, it originates in the calf veins. Predominantly, venous thrombi arise in venous valve pockets as well as at other regions of supposed venous stasis. Thromboemboli moves to the lungs using the right side of the heart.

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