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ESSAY: Role of Ethics Within Leadership

Description of the Assignment

In this 3-5 page paper (not including the title or reference pages in the page count), the introduction contains a few statements about ethical principles in general, identification of two ethical principles to be used in this paper, and the sections of the paper.
After the introduction, the next section of the paper provides a definition and explanation of two ethical principles. Each of the selected ethical principles are then applied to leadership within any healthcare setting. Scholarly support is provided for the definitions, explanations, and application areas.
Following the explanation, the next section presents information on how the selected ethical principles either prevent or solve two different leadership concerns within healthcare. Scholarly support is required
This section of the paper identifies how you will incorporate each of the selected ethical principles into your own leadership activities within healthcare.
A conclusion of this paper identifies key points from the presentation as well as of insights gained (what was learned) about applying ethical principles with leadership through writing the paper.
Criteria for Content

Introduction – includes general comments on ethics and leadership (such defining ethics in general, how ethics can impact leadership), identification of the two ethical principles selected for use within this assignment, and the sections of the paper. A heading is not used.
Explanation and Application of Ethical Principles to Leadership – this section contains a definition and explanation of each of the selected ethical principles. Scholarly references (no dictionaries are allowed to be used) are required. Following the definition and explanation of each of the required ethical principles, each principle should be applied to leadership, in general, within any healthcare setting. Scholarly support is required.
Application of Ethical Principles to Leadership Issues – this section identifies how the selected ethical principles either prevents or solves two different leadership concerns within healthcare. For example, nonmaleficence relates to the leadership concern of high rate of medication errors. Scholarly support is required.
Application of Ethical Principles to Own Leadership – this section is a description of how the learner will incorporate each of the two selected ethical principles into their own leadership activities. This needs to be specific and can consider future leadership opportunities. Scholarly support is required.
Conclusion – this section provides a review of key elements from your work. The conclusion also identifies the ideas and understandings you have gained regarding ethical principles and leadership from writing this paper.

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Ideas and desciptions from class work, readings and this weeks lessons…..
From week 2 lesson.

Principles for Leadership
When considering leadership characteristics, the principles of leadership must be contemplated. Why? People or the leaders make the principles reality. While there are numerous principles regarding leadership, the following will be discussed.
Wholes are not just the sum of their parts
For too long, departments or units functioned as silos, not realizing their contribution to the entire organization or system. With the newer systems theory, an organization, while being composed of parts/departments, is greater than the sum of the parts. Why? Interactions/interfaces/integration result in a synergy and fluidity. Why is this important to leadership? No longer can a leader be responsible for only his or her department. Rather, collaboration among areas, professions, and individuals is needed to drive the system forward. A leader must establish both vertical and horizontal relationships.
Diversity is essential to life
If a system is homogenous, then diversity in ideas and thoughts will be missing. Yes, diversity will lead to conflicts and even chaos, but the modern leader needs to respond by acknowledging the differences and seeking the path through the differences. Instead of seeing conflict, the leader needs to perceive challenges, and challenges can produce energy. It is through dialogue, using communication skills, that ethical decision-making can occur to focus the direction that the organization is to move toward.

Principle 5: Diversity Is Essential to Life
Diversity is essential to life on every level. Only where diversity is present is the capacity to thrive ensured. Diversity makes chaos visible because it pushes systems to forever adapt to changes in their environment. It is common wisdom—at least if you believe the literature on leadership—that conflict should be avoided and that processes must be in place to reduce conflict to a minimum. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. Diversity is the visual manifestation of the chaos that exists within all systems. That chaos is the energy that arises from the confluence and conflict among the elements of a system as they intersect to create the conditions necessary for the system’s adaptation. Diversity is a characteristic of the endless dance of design and configuration as the elements confront each other and sort out a way of fitting together. In creating an effective and meaningful workplace, leaders must attend to a number of issues. First, they must understand that diversity is necessary for a system to thrive. Kelly (1995) uses heterogeneity to refer to the essential element in the movement and adaptation of any system. Whichever word is used, a wide range of views and roles is essential for determining the direction the system should move in and for establishing the common ground necessary for leading the participants and elements in that direction. Homogeneity is the enemy of success because it represents the unilateral, the stable, the inert. Missing from homogeneity is the contrast, conflict, and interfacing among elements and their sorting and reconfiguring around ever-changing circumstances as the system keeps rhythm with the environment within which it must thrive.

Error is essential to success
Especially within healthcare, there is an evolving attitude toward errors. Often referred to as a just culture, it is a realization that people can and do make mistakes. The focus is on improving the system, especially the processes at the core of the mistake. This is why errors could be seen as being essential to success, because improvements occur. For leaders, an environment of trust needs to be present so that an individual at the point of service is able to raise his/her hand to identify either a mistake made or the potential for a mistake. The actual error or potential error now becomes a means for change, rather than disciplinary action. But this can only occur if leaders are willing to foster the environment where the only acceptable error is the error that is repeated.
No matter which leadership theory one uses or which leadership book one reads, the need to develop self is noted. With the onset of transformational leadership, there is growing recognition of how the leader directly impacts situations. This impact can be positive, or it could be negative. For the work environment to be positive, the leader must demonstrate caring, being, and doing for oneself as well as colleagues. Demonstrating these qualities is a journey of learning leadership

Other Principles from our reading this week
All Health Care is Local
Principle 2: All Health Care Is Local
The integration and effectiveness of health services depend on local relationships, not centralized authorities. Everyone has heard at least once that all health care is local. As Martin Buber would have said, all health services are provided within the context of the “I-Thou” relationship: In healthcare language, someone provides a service, someone receives it. Through this fundamental human equation, care and healing emerge, and everything from structure to equipment, competence to relationship, is reflected in it. When two or more parties interact, the result is always an intimate bond represented through the exchange of feelings, thoughts, expectations, conversation, and action (I-Thou). From a systems perspective, most of the other components of the system converge at some level to support this exchange, and those that do not ultimately will impede it. The function of structure in a service system is twofold: (1) to ensure the integrity of the system and the ability of its components to work in concert to achieve its ends efficiently and effectively and (2) to facilitate the work of the system. In health care, the purpose of a health system is to address the needs of the community. The system, of course, cannot serve its community without also serving individual members of the community at the point of service; although at the governance level, the system serves the community as a whole. Both levels—the point-of-service level and the governance level—are essential, and each supports the other. The main implication of this principle is that each element of the system must serve to empower those at the point of service and allow them to provide care to the community through their individual acts. In an effective system, 90% of the critical decisions are made at the point of service, and the life of the system is always primarily lived out there as well. At the point of service is the intersection between the purpose of the system (strategic) and the place where the meaning and the life of the system is expressed

Value Is Now the Centerpiece of Service Delivery
Simple Systems Aggregate to Complex Systems
Systems Thrive When all of Their Functions Intersect and Interact
Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Are in Constant Tension
Change Is Generated from the Center Outward
Revolution Results from the Aggression of Local Changes


Role of Ethics Within Leadership

Ethics are moral principles that guide and limit the behaviors of individuals towards each other to avoid conflict and violation of other individuals’ rights. Ethics principles create a definition of boundaries between right and wrong and they are important in situations where individuals have to work together towards a specific goal. Ethical values develop the personalities of individuals in a community setting. When an individual is born, he grows up guided by the norms created by the society. Behaviors are shaped according to the outlined ethical principles and by observation of their elderly models (Stiglitz & Rosengard, 2015). Moral values are important in leadership because they create cohesion with the subjects by living them in the daily leadership life. Followers automatically respect and work by the rules when the leader functions by the traditional ethical principles. This paper will focus on the most common ethical principles, which include all health care is local and diversity is essential to life.Explanation and application of these ethical principles to leadership, leadership issues, and own leadership will be discussed.

                     Explanation and Application of Ethical Principles to Leadership

Diversity Is Essential

Diversity is essential to life since it creates the opportunity for integration of ideas, skills, and knowledge from different fields. When individuals come together with different abilities and work towards achieving a specific target. there are high chances of success since a discussion and creation of an efficient process will happen. Diversity also creates an opportunity of identifying setbacks in the system. Individuals from different fields can be able to identify problems in another area easily than the original members of the unit. It, therefore, enables effective change to take place for the benefit of the organization as a whole (Mc Carthy et al., 2018). Through diversity, individuals can learn more skills and knowledge from their partners making them more experienced and skillful in the field. More peaceful and friendly relationships are also ensured when individuals from different units of an organization interact and work together toward the same goal.

Positive relationships within the organization lead to an increased development rate since individuals get to understand each other’s strength and weakness, therefore, working together to support one another’s progress. The ethic principle is essential in leadership more so in the healthcare setting since it increases the efficiency of medication administered. Medical practitioners from different care units can interact with and assess different treatment methods to come up with the most effective procedures for patient treatment (Brown & Bryant, 2015). Improvement in technology has led to advancement in information systems hence increasing diversity levels in the field of health care.

Medical practitioners from different geographical areas can communicate and consult about ailments and their experiences with the healthcare problems. Discussions on social media platforms create opportunities for innovation and the creation of better and effective treatment methods. Diversity is also important to help reduce medical errors which may cause danger to the patients. The positive relationship between healthcare providers from different fields creates opportunities for proper hand over of patients from one unit to another for further medication (Mc Carthy et al., 2018). Precise information is communicated to avoid overdose and wrong medicines which may affect the patient.

All Health Care Is Local Health care services do not depend on the created policies by the government and authorities but the domestic relationship between the patient and the medical practitioner. The medical practitioner assesses the patient’s condition, the diagnosis made and treatment methods administered. Individuals may be suffering from the same health problem but fail to get, cured by the same medication due to some circumstances…

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