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ESSAY: skills model

For this week’s forum read Chapter 3 “Skills Approach” in the Northouse text as provided here: Northouse Chapter 3 Link

Study Figure 3.2 “Three Components of the Skills Model”.

Review the three (3) case studies provided in your text. Case study 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3.

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Case study 3.1 – if your last name begins with the letters A – H

Based on the skills perspective, answer the three questions provided at the end of your selected case study. You should have three separate paragraphs. Repeat the question before your answers so your classmates can see the question. Your total post this week should be at least 250 words not counting the repeated questions.


Question 1: Based on the skills approach, how would you assess Dr. Wood’s leader-ship and his relationship to the members of the Elder Care Project team? Will the project be successful?

Despite Dr. Wood being a renowned competent researcher in the region, he lacks the human skills necessary for effective working with his colleagues in the team. As the principal investigator, it is expected of him to lead the team in working towards the common objective. However, this is not the case as shown in the scenario; he tends to work on tasks on his own (Northouse, 2012). Team collaboration expects that the leader motivates and recognizes the contribution of the team members. On the contrary, Dr. Wood does not accomplish this teamwork expectation. He also lacks conceptual skills as demonstrated in his inability to establish ideas of maximizing the limited resources to complete the required tasks. Despite the completion of the project, evidence shows major flaws in the team leadership abilities which adversely affects the success of the venture.

Question 2: Does Dr. Wood have the skills necessary to be an effective leader of this research team? Team leadership requires essential skills including ability to communicate effectively, assign each member of the team specific duties, and establish mechanisms for solving the problems in the team. As the team leader, he is expected to develop emotional intelligence to determine how to handle difficulties in the management of the team (Northouse, 2012). However, Dr. Wood fails in many aspects of team leadership as he does not recognize the contribution of team members and fails to involve them in critical decision making (Northouse,

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