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ESSAY: Social Media and Web 2.0

Class, I appreciate your participation in this discussion! For this assignment, you must post your original post addressing the topics below (minimum of 250 words), prior to 11:55 PM ET on Wednesday. Continue to follow your classmates’ posts for the remainder of the week and post at least two follow-up messages (minimum of 150 words each) to your classmates’ posts prior to 11:55 ET on Sunday. Your follow-up posts can add additional insight to a classmate’s opinions or can challenge their opinions. Use examples from the readings, or from your own research, to support your views, as appropriate. Be sure to read the follow-up posts to your own posts and reply to any questions or requests for clarification. By the way, include the name of the person’s post you are replying to. Thanks!


1) Visit the websites of several social media sites (MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter). What differences do you notice between these various sites? Are you a member of any of these services? Why or why not?

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2) In 2011, Google introduced Google+ as a Facebook competitor. Read this article: Then conduct some research on your own about Google+. How do you think Google+ compares to Facebook? Have you tried using Google+? Why or why not? Do you think Google has a chance at successfully competing against Facebook? Why or why not?

3) Find an article online about an incident where an employee was fired for social media use. Summarize and critique the article in your own words. Do you think the termination of the employee was justified? Why or why not? Could the employer have done anything to prevent this incident? Be sure to include the URL of your article.

4) Come up with three concrete recommendations for improving your chosen information system. Make sure you do not just identify the problems, but that you also make very specific recommendations for how you would correct those problems. This is going to be a very important part of your Analysis Essay 2, so make sure you come up with three original, concrete recommendations for improving your system and that you explain how you would implement each one. It is NOT an option to say, “My system can’t be improved.” Information systems can always be enhanced and made better, and it is your job in this class to to come up with three good concrete recommendations for improving your information system.


The different types of social media sites have among other functions the opportunity to create a cycle of friends. For Myspace, a person creates a profile and invites friends to join. Those who are already in Myspace automatically become part of friend’s space. This is almost similar to Facebook where social networking is the main idea. For LinkedIn, it is all about displaying a person’s profile and a network of people who have an interest in the profile link up and the two can engage (Duffy & Chan, 2019). Twitter has become common as it is used by leaders and respected people to pass information with a desire to receive feedback. The more tweets and retweets implies a bigger cycle. Personally, I only use Facebook as a platform where I can reconnect with some of my long lost friends as well as following comical activities of talented celebrities.

How Google+ Compares with Facebook

Google+ doesn’t have a great market presence like Facebook. While the average age for google+ users stands at 18+, that for Facebook users stands at 13+. This statistics alone shows that Facebook is way above google+ in the competitive market. I have not used google+ because it could not provide me with any unique functionality that Facebook and other social media platforms offer. I have also never been interested in what is referred to as video chat room. Google+ has no chance to compete against Facebook since the former is collapsing as a result of declining…

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