Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

ESSAY: Solution Identification

Instructions: Read the material at the sites listed in the Week 3 Lessons folder to help guide you in identifying solutions to the management problem you have identified. Complete a 2-4 page paper discussing solutions in relation to the management problem you are exploring during this course.

Here are some tips to help you create your solutions:
1. Solutions should focus on the problem, be accepted by the team and be achievable.
2. Find opportunities to allow the individuals to meet to work out the differences, respectfully. Focus on strategies that can build trust in the relationship.
3. Look at the tasks that the individuals are responsible for and explore whether or not they have had adequate training or resources to be successful in performing their tasks (so the solution is to provide additional training and/or mentoring to help your folks be successful).
4. Evaluate the conditions under which these two work (are they sitting right next to the community coffee pot or the photocopy machine or with poor ventilation or no natural light? Is the environment affecting their behavior?) The solution may be to fix the problem by moving them or making some other change.
5. Is it financially feasible? Can it be completed in a reasonable time? Can it be done within financial cost structures? What is the return on investment?


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Solution Identification

Organizational performance refers to a company’s ability to effectively or ineffectively meet its goals and objectives. Good organizational performance implies to an organization’s ability to be productive and produce desired effects. The performance is measured by comparing the organization’s real and intended outputs (Lasrado, 2018). Such an organization can work towards its corporate goals and maximize its profits. However, an organization’s performance may fall short of its goals and objectives. Factors that lead to performance-related problems include poor management, poor communication, poor customer relations, among others. In such circumstances…

The problems facing this company’s performance relate to poor communication, poor customer relations, and poor work ethics by its human resource personnel. The personnel are putting the company at a disadvantage and hindering its overall success.  Dealing with such underperforming employees can be hard and downright uncomfortable. However, it is imperative that the identified problems be rectified. In addressing these employees, it is crucial to consider the factors that cause poor employee performance. According to Martin (2018), the sources of poor employee performance include but not limited to, job design, employee misconduct, personal circumstances, and unachievable targets. Therefore, the frustration …

In response to the company under discussion, the most suitable solutions to its performance problems would be driving accountability, engaging employees, proper employee training, and effective leadership. While these solutions’ call for systematic approaches, the company should also focus on increasing the employees’ efficiency, building trust in the workplace, and improving…

Solutions to the Company’s Performance Challenges

  • Driving accountability: accountability can be driven through the application of communication measures. Enforcing such measures will assess the company’s communication strategies and help it get on the right track. A culture of accountability can also be created by planning for attainable targets (Lasrado, 2018). In these endeavors, the company can clearly lay out its expectations …

Engaging employees: employee engagement ensures that employees are passionate about what they do and that they deliver the best services possible (Tahsildari & Shahnaei, 2015). The company can also engage its employees through trust and making sure that they understand its business strategies. Therefore, this solution would benefit the company by letting its employees know that they are cared for.  Besides, well cared for employees are more likely to provide clients with idyllic customer service (Tahsildari & Shahnaei, 2015). This solution focuses on building trust and improving the employees’ efficiency. It can also be realized in a realistic…

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