Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

ESSAY: Summary of Healthcare Concern Presentation

A PowerPoint™ presentation of a maximum of 20 slides (does not include the title slide and reference slides) is prepared.

Description of the Assignment

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Criteria for Content

Overview of healthcare policy in the nursing profession: This section provides an overview of healthcare policy advocacy as it relates to advanced practice. It should contain the following elements:
Explanation of how healthcare policy can impact the nursing profession
Explanation of why advocacy is considered an essential component of the advance practice nurse’s role
Impact of healthcare policy on population health
Selected healthcare policy concern and resolution: This section provide an identification of the selected healthcare concern and its proposed resolution. It should contain the following elements:
Provide a comprehensive description of the healthcare concern
Describe the impact of the concern upon the population group and community
Describe, with detail, the proposed solution to healthcare concern
Clearly identify the slides provided to the elected official
Description of the meeting with the elected official: This section provides a detailed description of the meeting with the elected official. It should contain the following elements:
The name and position of the elected official
Explanation of why this individual was selected
Description of the meeting by including information as:
Day/time of meeting
Location of meeting
Materials/handouts used during the presentation
Describe the response of the elected official to your presentation and proposed solution
Self-reflection: This section provides an opportunity to self-reflect upon the healthcare concern, the proposed solution, and presentation to the elected official. It should contain the following elements:
Identify the new insights you have gained regarding your selected healthcare concern
Identify the new insights you have gained regarding your proposed solution to the healthcare concern
Identify the revisions you would make regarding your presentation to the elected official
Identify the insights you have gained regarding healthcare policy and the importance to the nursing profession
Future plans regarding selected healthcare concern: This section provides an opportunity to discuss way to foster ongoing or future advocacy regarding the selected healthcare concern and proposed resolution. It should contain the following elements:
Describe possible future opportunities to be an advocate for your selected healthcare concern and proposed solution
Identify the revisions you would make in the proposed solution
Select a professional nursing organization and discuss how this organization could be helpful in fostering or supporting your proposed solution
Conclusion: This section requires a summary of the key points regarding the healthcare concern, proposed solution and presentation to the elected official
Preparing the assignment
Criteria for Format and Special Instructions:

A PowerPoint™ presentation of a maximum of 20 slides (does not include the title slide and reference slides) is prepared.
Title slide, text slides and reference slide (s) must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual.
Speaker’s notes are required for all slides except the title and reference slides.
A minimum of five (5) appropriate research-based scholarly references must be used. These may include references from previous NR 506 assignments.
Required textbook for this course, dictionary and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. For additional assistance regarding scholarly nursing references, please see “What is a scholarly source” located in the Course Resources tab. Be aware that information from .com websites may be incorrect and should be avoided. References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them prior to submission of the assignment.
Ideas and information from scholarly, peer reviewed, nursing sources must be cited and referenced correctly.
Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.
Rules regarding PowerPoint™ presentations are to be followed. This includes but not limited to the presentation of information with limited text, use of graphics, and balance of space on the slide.

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