Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

ESSAY: The Heart and Associated Disorders

Select a disorder that affects the blood vessels of the heart. Define each part of the medical term, its origin, effects on the body, and treatment options.


Coronary Artery disease refers to the blockage or narrowing of blood vessels known as coronary arteries (McPherson & Tybjaerg-Hansen, 2016). Atherosclerosis usually causes the blockage or narrowing of the heart blood vessels. Atherosclerosis results in the clogging or hardening of the arteries due to the accumulation of cholesterol and fatty coating known as plaques on the inside of the arteries walls (McPherson & Tybjaerg-Hansen, 2016). The plaques then prevent the flow of blood to the muscles of the heart by actin as physical barriers or triggering an abnormal function of the heart artery or tone. As such, the lack of blood supply deprives the heart of vital nutrients and oxygen necessary for proper functioning. The outcome of this condition is chest pains usually called angina. If the supply of blood to a portion of the heart ceases completely, or if enough nutrients do not reach the heart for energy, the outcome is a heart attack (McPherson & Tybjaerg-Hansen, 2016). According to the American Heart Association (AHA), heart disease such as coronary heart syndrome is one of the leading causes of mortality rates in the US (Steinbaum, 2019). The disease affects about 16.5 million people in America and every 40 seconds, an individual gets a heart attack. Moreover, for people that do not have an…

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