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ESSAY: The Rock Cycle

Let’s Discuss Florida’s Rock Cycle!

1. Explain the rock cycle in general.

2. How does knowledge of the rock cycle benefit you.

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3. Florida has rocks; pick a Florida rock and put it through the rock cycle, beginning to end.


The Rock Cycle

The state of Florida is well known as a hotspot where mineral and rock formation takes place. Thus, a lot of rock studies are conducted in the area, with most of it being on industrial minerals. Florida has more sedimentary rocks than any other region. However, there have been huge traces of igneous and metamorphic rocks that people have been harvesting for an extended period. The rock cycle refers to a geological concept that shows the kind of transitions that takes place between the sedimentary, igneous, and sedimentary rocks (Singh & Bushee, 1977). There are equilibrium conditions that come into play to alter the processes through which the rocks are formed.

The study of the entire concept of the rock cycle is beneficial because it provides details on how to handle soil components. The information obtained here allows one to identify the right soil for construction and the planting of crops. The study of rock cycles provides engineers with details on the sources of energy (fossils), which are mostly obtained from sedimentary rocks (Middlemost, 2014). The rock cycle also provides us with information on the right building materials to use based on the structure and tenacity that they bear.

The chosen Florida rock to study in this case is igneous. The formation of igneous rocks gets underway by the crystallization of magma. Magma comes from the earth’s crust at a high temperature, which, when exposed to the atmosphere, cools down to form crystals. The formation takes place on the earth’s surface or in the crusts. This is common in regions with active volcanoes (Cox, 2013). The next stage is weathering, as the parent materials are converted into the regolith. The end of the weathering process is the formation of small particles that are sandy in nature.


Cox, K. G. (Ed.). (2013). The interpretation of igneous rocks. Springer Science & Business Media.

Middlemost, E. A. (2014). Magmas, rocks and planetary development: a survey of magma/igneous rock systems. Routledge.

Singh, R. J., & Bushee, J. (1977). The rock cycle. Journal of Geological Education25(5), 146-147.

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