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ESSAY: There’s No Future Here Incident Analysis

Scenario: As the head of HR, you have been asked to write a response to the incident in the form of an interdepartmental memo. You must address important issues about the company’s career planning and development program that are a result of the situation with Bob.

Write a 350- to 700-word memo in which you:

Describe what actions might prevent future resignations like Bob’s, and who should manage an employee’s career—the employer or employee.
Recommend changes you would make to the career planning and development program as the head of HR, identify challenges to making changes, and recommend who you would involve in making the changes (non-HR staff can be included if appropriate).
Describe what should be the outcomes of a career planning and development program.
Discuss the impact of your new program on training and/or staff development and performance management strategy.
Summarize a brief policy that you would recommend as an outline to your new career planning and development program.

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The reading material:
INCIDENT 2 There’s No Future Here!
“Could you come to my office for a minute, Bob?” asked Terry Geech, the plant manager.

“Sure, be right there,” said Bob Glemson. Bob was the plant’s quality control director. He had been with the company for four years. After completing his degree in mechanical engineering, he worked as a production supervisor and then as a maintenance supervisor prior to moving to his present job. Bob thought he knew what the call was about.

“Your letter of resignation catches me by surprise,” began Terry.

“I know that Wilson Products will be getting a good person, but we sure need you here, too.”

“I thought about it a lot,” said Bob, “but there just doesn’t seem to be a future for me here.”

“Why do you say that?” asked Terry.

“Well,” replied Bob, “the next position above mine is yours. Since you’re only 39, I don’t think it’s likely that you’ll be leaving soon.”

“The fact is that I am leaving soon,” said Terry. “That’s why it’s even more of a shock to learn that you’re resigning. I think I’ll be moving to the corporate office in June of next year. Besides, the company has several plants that are larger than this one, and we need good people in those plants from time to time, both in quality control and in general management.”

“Well, I heard about an opening in the Cincinnati plant last year,” said Bob, “but by the time I checked, the job had already been filled. We never know about opportunities in the other plants until we read about the incumbent in the company paper.”

“All this is beside the point now. What would it take to get you to change your mind?” asked Terry.

“I don’t think I will change my mind now,” replied Bob, “because I’ve given Wilson Products my word that I’m going to join them.”


There’s No Future Here Incident Analysis

Career planning and development is a crucial Human Resources (HR) program in any organization, both for the employees and employers. Career planning is important in that it gives employees the necessary direction and guidance as it relates to their future in the company. It helps an employee realize their strengths and weaknesses and how they apply in their job. Besides, it allows employees the chance to develop their skillset and knowledge base, hence giving them a chance to better their salary while moving up the ranks in the organization (Noe & Kodwani, 2018). Once the employees and employers have a clear idea as to what direction they would like their careers to go, the company then has the responsibility to provide the necessary resources to make those goals achievable. This is done by creating…

Several changes need to be put in place to ensure that this company retains its top talent. HR will allow and promote regular conversations about careers among the employees. Facilitating regular performance evaluations encourages the employees to increase their skills while empowering them to feel valued in the organization (Noe & Kodwani, 2018). The downside to this approach is that employees may feel cornered to accept a specific career course that may not interest them. The second change would be to promote the use of a career lattice. A career lattice refers to a diagonal framework that brings together the skills acquisition, lateral experiences, and networking that allow employees to qualify for a variety of positions. The use of this method, not only encourages upward movement but sideways as well. Therefore, catering to all the employees, even those who may be seeking to change their specializations and departments…

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