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ESSAY: Transformational Leadership Model

First column of template is characteristics of model (one word) the second column is how as a nurse educator you would use the characteristics in teaching (in lecture and clinical)


Transformational Leadership Model

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Model Characteristics for the Model of Transformational Leadership  Application to My Advanced Practice Role  
CourageAn effective nurse educator needs courage and must portray a willingness to take calculated risks, face new challenges, make tough and informed decisions, and be ready to serve people who are in need (Hutchinson & Jackson, 2012). As a transformational leader, courage is important and a guide that help advanced nurse practitioner to create a feasible vision and make difficult decision necessary to achieve their vision and …
Self-awarenessNurse educators are reflective; they XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to develop a clear understanding of their ability and what they can achieve in lecture and clinical practices (Bormann & Abrahamson, 2014). XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX this type of self-knowledge, I will have the capacity to understand how XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX goals and interests can be XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with the needs of the larger XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (patients and students). XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-aware is a continuous process, therefore, I intend to never stop growing and expanding skills XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX interest to serve the people in need.
HumilityXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX nursing is a critical profession, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX educators need to have a sense of humility. I strive to constantly learn and listen to others in order to have a clear understanding of their needs. Advanced nurse practitioners do not get too comfortable because they know that they XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX not have all the answers to student’s and patients’ demands hence they must be flexible (Hutchinson & Jackson, 2012). This enables them to cope with the changing environment or even thrive in problems
ProactiveNursing XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX are proactive XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX makers. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX are always practical in that they do not sit and wait for others to make decisions related to diagnosis, treatment, and follow-ups (Bormann & Abrahamson, 2014). They are always ready to try new things, take risks, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX engage in an XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX approach to meet the needs of patients (Hutchinson & Jackson, 2012). Besides, this attribute helps ANPs to understand how to manage risks and XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX evidence-based decisions that are based on research.
VisionaryBeing a visionary educator XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX about setting XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXand realistic personal and XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX goals, values, mission, and vision that fit the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX of patients (Bormann & Abrahamson, 2014). Therefore, nurse leaders XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX the strength and willingness to not only effectively communicate their ideas, but also get every person to buy in and work toward achieving the ideas by XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with passion and clearly explaining the direction they want the students or other colleagues to pursue (Bormann & Abrahamson, 2014).
Inspirational  As an inspirational leader, I strive to inspire students as well as patients toward the new goals or ideas through motivation (Hutchinson & XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, 2012). This may be achieved through: Articulation of a XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and interesting view of the future achievements or outcomes.Development of a shared vision in both clinical and philosophical terms in order for the patients and students to understand the meaning in XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX environment.Making XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX that it’s the role of each clinician to work towards XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX the shared vision, and setting achievable objectives aimed to improve patient safety and outcomes (Hutchinson & Jackson, 2012).Encouraging XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX nurse educators to collaborate and work towards achieving the overall organizational goals and objectives.
AuthenticityTransformational leadership model encourages XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to show true XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to their workplace (Bormann & Abrahamson, 2014). This includes XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX courageously imperfect, having the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to embrace authentic selves, and regularly show integrity, compassion, and vision in a manner XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX the external challenges (Bormann & Abrahamson, 2014).
Adaptability  Effective XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX educators understand that XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is necessary to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX adapt to changing environment. This include striving to acquire new knowledge in XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX in order to have efficient service delivery to patients and students (Wong & Laschinger, 2013). In clinical setting, knowledge in health technology helps in XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX patient outcome and safety because interprofessional team is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to share information relating to patient. This help to minimize misdiagnosis and medication errors. Nurse leaders are always willing to adapt to new conditions, and seek innovative techniques to respond to the dynamic nursing environment.
Self-management  Transformational nurse educators do not require XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXdirections from the management or other leaders. They are able to manage their XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with due diligence and honesty (Bormann & Abrahamson, 2014).XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXFor instance, they know when they should attend to classes and when they should be caring for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.  Nurse educators are also highly motivated and always strive to direct XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and students to the right direction (Northouse, 2018)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX TheyXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXdo their assigned task with passion, love, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX their values and culture are aligned with those of the people they lead.
IntellectualNurse educators are intellectually motivated because they encourage their followers to be creative and innovative. They embrace new and innovative XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX from their XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and do not criticize them publicly for any mistakes committed (Hayati, Charkhabi & Naami, 2014). Nurse educators strive to focus on the cause of the problems and do not take in XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX the followers. In addition, they are always ready to discard an old practice that is not XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXor is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX in meeting their follower’s needs.
CollaborativeXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX health and XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX are diverse XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX in nursing profession, nurse XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX have to collaborate with professional from other fields in XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to offer a holistic care (Northouse, 2018). XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX instance, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is need to collaborate with professionals from IT department in order to enhance efficiency XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX service delivery. This helps care XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to work XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and offer ambulatory care with efficiency.


Bormann, L., & Abrahamson, K. (2014). Do staff nurse perceptions of nurse leadership behaviors influence staff nurse job satisfaction? The case of a hospital applying for Magnet designation. Journal of Nursing Administration, 44(4), 219-225.

Hayati, D., Charkhabi, M., & Naami, A. (2014). The relationship between transformational leadership and work engagement in governmental hospitals nurses: A survey study. Springerplus, 3(1), 25.

Hutchinson, M., & Jackson, D. (2012). Transformational leadership in nursing: towards a more critical interpretation. Nursing Inquiry, 20(1), 11-22.

Northouse, P. G. (2018). Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications.

Wong, C. A., & Laschinger, H. K. (2013). Authentic leadership, performance, and job satisfaction: The mediating role of empowerment. Journal of advanced nursing, 69(4), 947-959.

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