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ESSAY: Wellness Program

Develop a wellness program with a holistic approach for the older adult you identified, using resources available in your community. Discuss how this approach will prove an optimum level of well-being.


Wellness Program for Mr. Andrew
In recent years, health wellness plan has become a priority within the healthcare continuum, seeking to promote patient’s quality of life as well as guiding them on how to cope with diabetes, eat healthy, take medication(s), be active, monitor sugar levels, and solve social problems (Foster, Galjour & Spengel, 2015). A holistic approach to a patient wellness focuses on addressing Mr. Andrew’s physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and social needs. Besides, a holistic approach identifies that human wellness touches every aspect of life, hence, Mr. Andrew must be watchful of what he eats, how much he exercises, and how he takes care …
Furthermore, implementing a holistic approach to wellness and creating healthy habits are influential ways to prevent many chronic diseases. Here is a starter guide on how Mr. Andrew should maintain and improve his health. First, ensuring that he complies with regular health checks and ensuring he eats healthy foods would assist in curbing most preventable chronic conditions. In addition, promoting regular exercise will help build a healthy lifestyle. With the advantages of workout being well-documented and many studies showing its benefits to patients, the wellness program will go a long way to ensuring Mr. Andrew is productive, fit, and healthy (Foster et al., 2015). Besides, a high level of awareness would assist the patient to benefit mentally and socially. The patient will be able to communicate clearly with friends, healthcare …
Foster, T., Galjour, C., & Spengel, S. (2015). Investigating holistic wellness dimensions during older adulthood: A factor analytic study. Journal of Adult Development, 22(4), 239-247.

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