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ESSAY: Wk 5 Individual: Strategy Implementation, Evaluation and Control

Please write assignment about Wal-Mart.

Weeks 3, 4 and 5 Individual Assignments are integrated to generate a Strategic Management Plan. This is part three of the three part Strategic Management Plan addressing strategy implementation, evaluation and control. The purpose of the Week 5 individual assignment is to allow the student to discuss and explain how the strategies discussed in prior weeks are converted into implementation activities both domestically and internationally, in alignment with legal, social and ethical considerations. Furthermore, the student has an opportunity to explain and discuss how the strategic plan and implementation activities will be monitored.
Weeks 3, 4, and 5 Individual Assignments are integrated to generate a Strategic Management Plan. This is Part 3 of the three part Strategic Management Plan.

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Write a 1,050-word report on the company you selected in Week 3, following up on the Individual Assignment of Week 3 (Environmental Scanning), and address the following:
Strategy Implementation
Discuss International Strategy.
Discuss Strategic Implementation.
Explain the influence of Governance and Ethics.
Discuss the Company Social Value.
Discuss Innovation and Diversification.
Discuss Legal limitations.
Evaluation and Control
Explain Strategic Metrics.
Discuss Key Financial Ratios.

Cite at least 3 scholarly references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


Strategy Implementation, Evaluation and Control

Walmart Inc. Strategy Implementation

Wal-Mart’s strategies focus on reducing the prices of goods and increasing and differentiate on access to the customers. The company also employs a competitive strategy on assortment to ensure they deliver an excellent customer experience to their clients. The firm understands what the customers want, where they need it and how they want to experience it. The global strategy adopted by Walmart Inc. can be described as slow internationalization. Indeed, most of the income (75%) of the organization still comes from sales in the United States. However, as the internal competition continues to increase especially from Amazon, the giant retailer has accelerated its global growth …

Implementation of international strategic direction for the big organizations has proven elusive for the most part (Leuprecht & Sokolsky, 2015). Various factors have contributed to the failure to internationalize including the uniqueness of the middle class in different countries, the failure to successfully implement the original country’s strategy in the host nation and the changing cultures among others. For instance, the sales for Walmart’s international business has been on a decline for the most parts of the last 5 years with…

Influence of Governance and Ethics

Internationalization strategies are affected by the nature of governance and application of ethical principles. In applying ethical approaches to conducting business, an organization is keen to adhere to the legal and economic regulations that guide operations in a given country. Scandals from the management of an organization have adverse consequences on the reputation …

Walmart Inc. is one of the international organizations that have focused on increasing its social value through its supply chain focused activities. The purpose of the initiatives is to continue to meet the expectations of the customers while reducing abuses in its supply chain. Evidently, the alignment f the supply chain is an essential component of creating a valuable corporate social responsibility. For instance, in its 2018 Global Responsibility Report, the organization has invested in employee training with more than $100 million set aside for that venture. Besides, the MNC has also invested in training farmers in the supply chain with the purpose of strengthening the trust with the customers and increase their supply security. The utilization of the top-down approach in the management of the organization and supply chain ensures that board of management and executive leadership is involved in almost all aspects of operations and governance. At the core of success is the participation of the management in innovation of solutions to the challenges the companies face in its operations. The supply chain in Walmart is innovation and technology driven. The company is continuously innovating means for responding to customer preferences such reducing salts,…

Walmart Inc., however, has been careful when choosing the internationalization strategy which is characterized by the need to be local by either acquiring a local brand or in joint ventures (Mun Yazdanifard, 2012). The choice of the strategy is also affected by the political, economic and legal requirements of the host country. For instance, some countries such as India do no…

Evaluation and Control

Wal-Mart believes that for a strategy to be effective it must be linked to the objectives, how they will be achieved and the means to be used. Wal-Mart ensures that the resources allocated to implementing a given strategy are used prudently, and the expected results are obtained. It also continually evaluates the use of the allocated resources and the overall performance to determine if the …

The financial ratios of an organization indicate the financial performance of the institution. The price-earnings (P/E) ratio is used to value the stock of a company and compares the price of a share to the earnings per share. In the 3rd quarter of 2018, the P/E for Walmart was 20x indicating that the shares for the organization trade at 20 times the EPS (earning per share) (Stock Analysis on Net, 2019). Another important ratio is the price-to-book ratio (P/B), which evaluates the market value of a company. The P/B ratio for Walmart as of Q3 …


Leuprecht, C., & Sokolsky, J. J. (2015). Defense policy “Walmart Style” Canadian lessons in “not-so-grand” grand strategy. Armed Forces & Society41(3), 541-562.

Luthans, F., & Doh, J. P. (2012). International management: Culture, strategy, and behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Meyersohn, N., (2018, May). What is Walmart’s global plan? Retrieved from

Mun, L. Y., & Yazdanifard, R. (2012). Walmart success in Mexico, Canada and China: Global expansion, strategies, entry modes, threats and opportunities.

Stock Analysis on Net, (2019). Walmart Inc. (WMT). Retrieved from

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