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ESSAY: Workplace Teams

Think about the types of teams you see in your workplace (refer to the WHO document for help). What are some barriers and successes of these teams? How will these teams succeed in the workplace? What will hinder these types of teams? Complete the Workplace Teams Assignment Worksheet (Word) to identify these teams. Add your last name to the filename before uploading.
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Type of teamHow does the team improve careBarriers to effective teamworkSuccessful characteristics
Core teamsThe team members are directly involved in caring for the patient. They also provide better accessibility of services until the patient is discharged.There are many notable barriers to effective teamwork among core team members. One such barrier is the change and overlap in roles that are played by different healthcare providers. Such changes make role allocation challenges. Another challenge is the culture of hierarchy in the healthcare setting which brings conflict and disrespect among team members and lastly some members of the team showing individualistic tendencies.Team members consult each other and communicate their decisions. Furthermore, the team is able to solve any conflicts amicably as they agree and share many responsibilities with no/minimal conflicts and lastly, team members trust each other in the service delivery process.
Coordinating teamsThe role of these team members is to undertake the day to day operations, ensure proper coordination of functions and management of resources for the core team. By coordinating functions, the team ensures that patients’ concerns are taken care of and the core team members are helped to provide the best quality care for the patient. They also ensure efficient use of healthcare services and enhanced professionalism while providing care.Being in charge of day to day operational management, team members can feel overwhelmed with responsibility which may easily create friction among team members. They are also faced with role conflict during the coordination of functions that can end up being unproductive in the healthcare setting and lastly too much pressure arising from the responsibilities they have.Coordinating teams are said to be successful when they set goals that are measurable and focused on their mandate. Since they are in charge of managing resources for core teams, they can be also be said to be successful when resources are well managed and core teams report smooth daily work operations.
Contingency teamsThese are teams formed for emergency or specific purposes. The team ensures that disasters are responded to in time so as to prevent fatality cases.Such teams suffer from the unclear definition of roles, a lack of proper coordination as well as miscommunication among team members. The team is also unstable in nature since it only needs to come together at times of emergencies.Contingency teams are said to be successful when they can successfully coordinate during times of emergency. Their response should also be timely to avert fatalities and lastly, there is good cohesion between team members. 

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